Saturday, July 11, 2015

Why is God Not Punishing Those Who Promote Evil?

Watching this video it is clear that God is already judging America for it's sinfulness, and wickedness. I don't ever remember seeing two tornado's close together ripping apart small towns, causing such devastation than I have seen in the last two years. As the reporter stated is was if God had taken two of his finger tips and scratched a path of destruction through this town.

I asked God why he sent those catastrophes upon seemingly decent people, and not upon the centers where so many of the radical homosexuals are, like San Francisco? God said to me that the homosexuals will get whats coming too them soon enough, and it will be terrifying for them. Read your Bible, where does judgment begin? It begins in the House of God! 

Why it may seem unfair at this time that these super storms are ravaging the Bible Belt where so many supposed Christians live, and not the places where the mass of evil dwells, the answer is still the same. Judgement begins in the House of God! 

The bulk of professing Christians have not stood up against evil in society, they have voted for political candidates that pretend to support their moral values, but do almost nothing to stop the evil once they get into office. These professing Christians are really good at throwing money at organizations to do what these Christians ought to be doing themselves, being salt and light, but they are not.

So the large portion of the American Church does not engage the culture, does not take a physical stand against evil,  or even bother to share the Gospel with a lost person. There is a distinct possibility that a large portion of Church-goers are not really saved, and not going to Heaven. The Scripture tells us that if our Salt loses it's saltiness that it is good for nothing, except to be thrown down on the ground, and trampled underfoot. I don't think this is something to be taken lightly by any means, but it is extremely serious in nature.

Oh my Brothers and Sisters repent today of your lack of desire to reach the lost, or your lack of a strong prayer life, of your spiritual apathy. We cannot cower and wait around for the rapture, we must obey the Lords commands and evangelize the culture at all costs. If you are not sure of your Salvation you should indeed make sure of it today.  

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