Wednesday, December 3, 2014


In America, Churches buildings are a dime a dozen. Seems like there is one on every street corner, yet the many people in their own neighborhoods go untouched by the Gospel Message. Why? Are they not Evangelizing? Or have the people grown so cold that they just are not concerned about the lost anymore? Living busy lives, preoccupied with the things of this world, Christians seem to lose sight of what Christ called them to do, reach the lost.

The Church has strayed from it's roots, it has the appearance of Christianity, but lacks the power of the Holy Spirit.  How can you tell the difference between a Church that has fire, and one that does not? Look for the signs (people getting saved, lives changing, real passion and love for God, a desire to see many saved, the Pastor is a man of vision, etc.). Ask yourself, Is God at work here or not? In not, get out and find a Church where God is at work.

Men of God used to preach sermons that made people squirm and shake in their seats, where are these men today? Multitudes of Church-goers could be found at the altar weeping in repentance before God. Where is this is today's modern Churches? Preachers of old had the fire of God in them, they preached great sermons that stirred men to action, to obey God's Word. Where are there preachers today?

Where is the brokenness in the hearts of the people? Where is the concern for the lost? Where is the love for God, and for our neighbor?  Why are our pulpits silent on the subject of entrenched evil in the culture?

We need REVIVAL is the American Church!

It starts with a season of humility, brokenness, and repentance before God

Joel 2:13 - Rend your heart and not your garments. Return to the LORD your God, for he is gracious and compassionate, slow to anger and abounding in love, and he relents from sending calamity.

Join with Pastors and Churches all across the nation, see the event on facebook!

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