Saturday, August 15, 2015

Christians Wake Up and Vote Righteously in the Polls

Some Christians now view voting as something they should not do if the candidates do not fit into a specific set of rigid guidelines they have designed themselves in order to further their specific goal.  These individuals have chosen to sit out more than one vital election, allowing all out socialists to win each election.

I happen to disagree with this idea, I believe it is the duty of every God Fearing Christian in American to register to vote, and vote their Christian faith in the polls. Doing so would prohibit the ungodly, or less than godly candidate from taking office.  The fact is that too many professing Christians stay home, don't register, and don't vote, and that is how we end up with eight years of Obama, and if they do not get up, get out, and get involved in the process, we will end up with an even worse President than we have just had.

Your duty as an American is too be involved in your Government, and vote to make sure we get good solid leadership in office. Your duty as a Christian is too stand against all that is evil, and this includes the voting booth.

We must mobilize the Church to vote in the next election. It is the only way we can stop the Socialists from destroying this nation, and keep less than Christian and Conservative candidates from taking power. Follow the link below and read further.

Voting Righteously is Christian Duty

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