Friday, December 18, 2015

Will it Take ISIS to Awaken the North American Church?

English: Front of First Christian Church, loca...
Seriously, I can write the most compelling things, and passionate pleas to the Christian Church to wake up from their luke-warm state, and start doing what Christ commanded them to do. I can plead and beg till I'm blue in the face for modern day Churchians to repent of their spiritual apathy, and only a very small fraction ever read it or are affected by it.

Get a Clue Church, Nap Time is OVER!

Pastors and Evangelists can stand behind the pulpit doing much the same thing and see the same basic response. Only a few will respond to their pleas to turn back to God and surrender their lives for the sake of the Gospel. Either the Church is that far gone, or most professing Christians are not really saved and do not have the Holy Spirit.

I know that when the truth is preached whether from behind the pulpit or in print, some people are going to be offended when confronted with the truth, and the idea that the majority of Church-Going so-called Christians may not be Born-again or Spirit-Filled.  The Bible tells us that in the last days men will not put up with sound doctrine (accurate teachings), instead, they will follow their own desires, and surround themselves with false teachers who will tell them what they want to hear, not what they need to hear.

Many preachers there days no longer teach accurate Biblical doctrine, instead they preach fluffy warm sermons that make people feel good about themselves, or they preach outright heresy. Prosperity Preachers, and Positive Thinking Preachers are everywhere leading people astray with false teaching, and the sheep swallow it whole. The candy-coating tastes sweet in thier mouths, gets them all excited, and then they go out and live like demons.

We have all seen the videos of the horrible atrocities that ISIS/ISIL has committed against our brethern in other countries. It's easy to say to ourselves "That just happens over there, that could never happen here", and you couldn't be any more wrong because the enemy is already here, and the threat is real. We do not know when the enemy may enter the place we are dining with our family, our childrens school, or our Churches and start firing their guns as they shout "God is great" in thier native toungue.

Peace on Earth and Good Will Towards Men means absolutetly nothing to these people. They do not respect human life one bit, and do not care if you live or die, they rather make you die.  They do not care how they kill you, you are infidels to them, they are all ordered in the Koran to murder you and I.  They hate Christiainity the same way they hate Judism, and Israel. We are known to them as people of the book (Bible), and they consider the Bible to be tainted by Jews and Christians.

Our President Barack Obama wants to bring thousands more of these people into our country and give them free stuff with our tax-dollars without screening them at all.  He will systemcatically disperse them all throughout the country, they may be moved into your town, and become a threat to you freedom and way of life.  When Muslims reach a large enough percentage of the population they begin to demand everyone comply with their religious laws, and this is where the trouble will start when Americans tell them to go screw themselves.

All Hell is about to break loose here in America. None of us will be safe no matter what the Government does, or says. Our hope must be in Jesus the Christ alone, not in any politican or party, and certainly not in the Government.  That's not even really the worst of it. We have already seen a Muslim behead a woman in Oklahoma only a while back because they would not covert to his religion. This could happen all across this nation and things might just get real ugly.

What if all of a sudden being a Christian in America suddenly became something that costs you something precious, like you own life. or the lives of freinds and loved ones?  What if they came for your head? Any idea what would happen in the Church? All of sudden all of the luke warm Christians become red hot because now they are repenting of thier sin and revival is sweeping through our nation.  Where there is danger and a huge cost for being a follower of Jesus, there are serious beleivers who take the faith seriously, and the rest just leave the Church.

There would be a cleansing of the body of Christ and it would not take long to happen. The sheep would be seperated by the goats in a hurry, and revival would break out which is what we need very badly in America. Oh how I wish the Church would get serious about God now instead of having to face this type of persecution, but chances are they won't because Satan has them blindsided by the things of this world to the point that they just don't care.

This could in fact happen before Christ calls his bride home, I don't know for sure that it will, but for the sake of the many who are decieved by mere religion and still need to know the Savior, I hope God does send some severe judgement for just a long enough to make the Church wake up!

Thursday, October 29, 2015

Has the Christian Church Failed to Produce True Disciples?

People of the world often complain that the Church is full of hypocrites, they are right to some extent as many professing Christians don't seem to live up to their Christianity, as far as the world can see. The lost have a misconception of what Christianity is, they cannot tell the difference between people who are merely religious, and those who are truly born-again.

The world views liberal religion as being authentic as they frown on those who they see as being judgemental of sin, closed minded, and bigoted against other people groups. This article, however, is not going to focus on them, it is going to focus on those who profess to know Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior.

Barna Research found that fifty percent of the people filling the pews on Sunday morning may be actually unsaved, in other words, they are religiously lost, and if this is true it explains the malaise within our Evangelical and Protestant Churches. I have my own take on why the Church is in the shape it is in, and what can be done to fix it.

At the base of the issue is whether or not people actually have the Spirit of God living within them, or not. Is there true evidence of a changed life? Has their lifestyle and behavior changed? Their speech and way of thinking changed? If a person has truly been redeemed by the blood of Christ their core values will begin to change to reflect Christ's values. If there has not been a radical change in your way of life you might not belong to God after all.

No one who has truly received the free gift of eternal life and has been filled with the Spirit of God can continue to live a lifestyle of sin without some severe consequences. Because God will chase after them in an attempt to turn them back to him, and if they refuse to listen, God will let them have what they want, and they will destroy themselves with it.

The big issue that the Holy Spirit has been speaking to me about lately is the issue of dying to one's self. Jesus said that if anyone wants to be a true follower of his they must, in fact, deny themselves, take up their cross, and follow him. This is an essential part of being a true disciple of Jesus Christ. Jesus calls each one of us to die to ourselves, lay aside our own desires for the Kingdom of God so that we can be used by God for His Glory.

I have referred to this in the past as committing suicide in a spiritual sense. Actually it is when we surrender everything to God, accept his will over our own, and accept the outcome no matter what that may entail. We actually die when we repent and accept Christ as our Savior, at least the person that we once died and is buried with Christ, and a new person is raised to life in Christ, but that is not the same as when we fully surrender to the cross of our Lord.

God is not asking for us all to become martyrs is He? What we are talking about here entails us living in the Spirit instead of living in the flesh. It is possible for a believer to live and sow to their own flesh at least for a while until God has to step in and get their attention. It is possible to believe all the right things in your head about God but never believe it in your heart of hearts. I am afraid that there are many well-meaning people who profess to know Christ but do not actually have the relationship with God through Christ.

This is why I am confronting people through my writing, including myself, so that we might check ourselves according to God's Word to be sure that we are truly born-again, and not just fooling ourselves into thinking we are saved, and going to Heaven. It is possible to be deeply religious and miss the mark of what it means to be truly regenerated by the Holy Spirit and given the gift of eternal life found only through Christ Jesus, who is the only way to Heaven, and the only name by which a man can be saved.

The Church in North America today is a lot like the Church of Laodicea. Not hot, not cold, but lukewarm, and lacking the power of God, because it's members lack the power of God in their daily lives.  CHRISTIAN! COME OUT OF YOUR LUKEWARM COMFORT ZONE!  Christ did not call you to feather your nest with all the good things of this world, but to lay your life down for the sake of the Gospel.

Too many of us have one foot in Christ, and the other in this world, but we are not called to be of this world, in fact, we are aliens here on this planet, and our citizenship is in Heaven, not here on earth. With time as we know it drawing to a close, we ought to be seeking lost souls for the Kingdom of our God, not living to please ourselves.

Do you want to know how I know that the Church is in shambles today? Do you want to know why I believe that there are many religious people who are actually going to Hell, who think they are going to Heaven?  I know some of you are already calling me a judgmental piece of crap, but you better spend time judging yourself to make sure you are truly saved.

Try inviting so-called Christians to a prayer meeting and see how many actually show up? Pastors preach the truth the people need to hear not what they want to hear and see who gets up walks out, or does not show up in your Church next week, not to mention all the nasty emails you will be getting during the week.  Try getting some professing Christians to go out and share the Gospel with people in a public place, and how many show up?

Spiritual apathy in the American Church is a sure sign that there are many false converts in our Churches, and only a handful are passionate enough to put their faith into action and produce fruit in keeping with repentance. Maybe these few are the true remnant of the New Testament Church that Jesus started? It is very clear that we need full-blown spiritual revival in our Churches, and we need it now.

True disciples of Jesus stay under the authority of the local Church, and under their Pastor Shepherd, and are truly grace-filled followers of Jesus who will not turn on Church leadership, but uphold house who God has placed them under so they may be equipped for every good work as an outpouring of their faith in Christ.  They do not attack their shepherd but are eager to be taught more of God's Word. True disciples desire the consume the meat of the Word, not just suck on the bottle full of milk.

They become spiritually mature and begin to minister to others. Instead of always being spoon fed from the pulpit every week, because they know now that it is not about them, but about Christ Jesus, they have died to self, and they live for the Kingdom of God. Spiritual maturity is the mark of a true disciple of Jesus, one who models themselves after Christ who laid himself aside for us so that we could be saved.  We set ourselves aside so that others may be saved. for God desires for all men to repent and come to the knowledge of  the truth.

Are you a True Disciple of Jesus?

Monday, September 14, 2015

The Great and Fearful Day of the Lord is Approaching

Joel 2:11 - "The LORD will shout in the presence of his forces because his encampment is very great; for powerful is he who carries out his message. Truly the Day of the LORD is great and very terrifying. Who will be able to survive it?"

Surely we are near the Great and Fearful Day of the Lord, the Judgement day that is foretold by the prophets of old when all men shall appear before the throne of the Almighty and the books opened, and each person will be judged for what they did while in living in their human body. 

Christians are expecting this day to come, and praying for it to come quickly as this world is falling further into sin and evil, and mankind is growing more wicked by the day.  While it's true that the believer who has repented and received by faith the free gift of God, eternal life in His Son Jesus will have already been judged in Heaven at the Bema Seat. 

They are present on this day to witness the opening of the Book of Life, and those who names not found written in the book are thrown into the Lake of Fire right along with Satan and every one of his fallen angels (demons) (Rev. 20:15).

This will be a terrible day as for many who refused to listen and repent, and those who denied the existence of God no longer can doubt that he is. They are not standing, they are on their faces begging to be saved, but the day of Salvation has passed, only the wrath of God awaits them.

Many nice religious people who believed in God, may have attended Church on Sunday, May have done many good things in their lives yet they did not truly repent, they did not truly Call upon the Name of the Lord to be saved.  Working men and woman, business people, those who were of the elite class in society.

Politicians, Bankers, Lawyers, Doctors, and even some Ministers. Homemakers, Blue-collar, White-Collar, every man, woman, boy, girl - their position in life does not matter anymore, for the Lambs Book of Life has been opened, and their names either appear in it or does not appear.

Their bodies have been changed into earthly bodies have been changed into bodies spiritual ones that do not die in the presence of God and do not die in Eternity either. Those who belong to the Lamb that has overcome. their bodies are celestial in nature, fit for Heaven. Those who are receiving judgment, they have new spiritual bodies also, ones that never get used to the torment, and will never die.

As for the Saved they are not under the wrath of God, they receive their reward commensurate with what they did or did not do in Jesus Name. The Scripture says's that ALL of our works will be revealed by fire to see what sort of work we have done, "and whosever work  shall remain shall receive his reward from the Builder. And if any man's work is burned, he shall suffer loss, but he himself will be saved, yet so as through fire.(1 Cor. 3:10-15).

There are saved Christians that have done nothing or little for God in their lifetimes. What they have or have not done will be revealed, and only what they have done for Christ will be left, and their reward or lack thereof will be based upon that. The Bible tells us that the person that believes and confesses that Jesus Christ is Lord, he is saved from the coming wrath of God and is not under condemnation.

Yet this day will be fearful dear Christian, for we shall see with our new eyes the King of Glory, and behold him who we have placed our total trust in. He Jesus the Christ is our Reward! He is the one we have been waiting so long to see, and we shall spend eternity with him never to suffer again.

My Great Fear is that there are some even sitting in this place today who have not come to a place where they realize their need for a Savior, who have not truly turned from their sin, and trusted fully in Christ to save them. Yes, it is possible to be religious and still be lost, die, and find yourself in Hell! Do not fool yourselves. Sure you've heard the Gospel many times and have knowledge in your head concerning the Bible, the Cross, and yet you have not the knowledge in your heart of hearts.

All of us have broken the Law of God, All of us have lied at some point in our lives, or stolen something. We have used the Name of God inappropriately, in vain as a cuss word, or a by-word, and you know it's true. Most of us have lusted, looked at a woman and had sexual thoughts, some here may have gazed upon someone of the same gender just the same. Who in this room has never hated someone?

The truth is that each one of us is guilty every one of these things!  None of us is immune to sin, ALL of us have broken the Law's of God including me. When we break the law we must endure the consequences of our actions, and with God it is the same way. Do you not expect to be held accountable by God for breaking His Laws?

Hear my Words! 

Knowing and admitting that you have broken the Laws of God. and knowing and admitting that God will judge you accordingly, I must tell you the is you have not repented of your sin, your soul is in mortal danger of Eternal Fire, and that my friend should terrify you greatly! But there is some good news.

God sent Jesus to pay the price for yours and my lawbreaking! Jesus paid for it with his body and his blood on the Cross and God offers you a complete pardon, he wants to erase every hate crime that you committed against him by breaking His Law. A pardon that not only clears your criminal record before the High Court of Heaven, and set's you and I free from the penalty for your sin that we clearly deserve.

I implore you by the Mercy of God to Repent Today and receive your pardon from the Lord. The end is near us, time is short, do not wait a second longer.

Monday, August 24, 2015

What it Means to Pour Contempt on ALL My Sin?

I was reminded today of the words of an old hymn:

"When I survey the wondrous cross, on which the prince of glory died, my richest gains I count but loss, and pour contempt on all my pride."

The definition of contempt is - to Scorn, disdain, be disgusted, to loathe, to hate, or to abhor something or someone.  The question I had to ask myself was "do I truly hate my own sin? Am I disgusted by my own immoral thoughts, or do I disdain my own lying tongue?  I felt God telling me to look up what contempt means and apply it to all of many sins. Do I hate my own sin as God hates my sin?

Pouring contempt on all our pride opens the door to realize how horrible, and filthy our own sin really is. When we are able to break through by the enabling of the Holy Spirit to recognize how nasty we really are, that our own works equal a pile of nasty bloody menstrual rags that have been thrown outside the city gate.

Our sin could be represented by the same picture as those rags smelled absolutely repulsive to all that were unlucky enough to get too close to the pile, or get a whiff of them before they were set on fire and burned up. Our sin gives off a terrible stench, is just as repulsive, and if we are able to grasp onto that and understand that, the Holy Spirit can them break our hard hearts, and make us tender before him again.

I used to work at a car wash that was just down the street from the cities sewage treatment plant. during the summer months when it was hot and humid, and the wind was just right, we would get a face full of the nasty stench of that place. It was enough to turn your stomach more over and over.  Nothing smells worse than human waste fermenting in the hot sun, but that's what are sin smells like, and if were honest with God about out sin, we will smell the stench of it, and truly confess it. 

Can we in this modern age even begin to comprehend the horror of what our Savior went through so that we could be set free from the wrath of God, to live lives that please God because of Christ Jesus.  I think we don't even begin to scratch the surface of what Jesus suffered on our behalf.  We cannot smell the sickening smell that permeated Calvary (Human Blood, Urine, Feces, etc).

We cannot hear the moaning, the condemned crying out in anguish as they gasp for another breath. The Romans always crucified individuals right along the main roads in and out of the city

I am reminded of what Christ suffered on all of our behalf, and let us not take his suffering lightly as to whitewash over the fact that what he suffered was horrendous by today's standards of execution in the United States. Let us, however, be reminded of the torture and brutality that our fellow believers in hostile nations have suffered and are now suffering because of their faith in Jesus Christ.

What does it mean to have contempt on our pride, or on our sin?

We hear a lot about ISIS/ISIL, and we have seen the pictures of modern day crucifixions of Christian brothers and sisters by this mob of satanic radicals.  Don't tell me you feel their pain, you don't feel a damn thing! We in the west are anesthetized to what is happening over there, and we have never ever really suffered for our faith in Christ, but that may change at any time as those who want to kill us are on our shores now.

You and I look at what Christ suffered and we cannot feel the intense pain of the beating, and the scourging he underwent. We can't even imagine a person being whipped to the point that they no longer represent a human being, but a big bloody piece of hamburger being marched through the streets of the city. It's a miracle that he had any blood left in his system by the time he got to the place of crucifixion, and his suffering was far from being over as they threw him down on the beams of the cross, twisted his arms popping his shoulders out of joint, and nailing his hands to the wood, and then his feet also.

Jesus the Christ went through pure hell on earth so that we could escape the Hell we all justly deserved. We should be living lives of gratitude to him for what he has done for us, we need to pour contempt on our pride, and our hidden sins that we try to hide from others, and from God.  Greed, Lust, Covetousness, Lying, Stealing, Adultery, Fornication, etc.  Lord help us all to pour contempt upon our many sins, to scorn sin the way scorn sin, to abhor evil the way you abhor evil, and to hatred upon our own evil ways.

Having contempt for one's sins leads to personal brokenness, which includes humility, and honesty before God.  All of this will lead us to a place of refreshing from God, it will bring revival into our lives, it gives us a fresh start.

Saturday, August 15, 2015

Christians Wake Up and Vote Righteously in the Polls

Some Christians now view voting as something they should not do if the candidates do not fit into a specific set of rigid guidelines they have designed themselves in order to further their specific goal.  These individuals have chosen to sit out more than one vital election, allowing all out socialists to win each election.

I happen to disagree with this idea, I believe it is the duty of every God Fearing Christian in American to register to vote, and vote their Christian faith in the polls. Doing so would prohibit the ungodly, or less than godly candidate from taking office.  The fact is that too many professing Christians stay home, don't register, and don't vote, and that is how we end up with eight years of Obama, and if they do not get up, get out, and get involved in the process, we will end up with an even worse President than we have just had.

Your duty as an American is too be involved in your Government, and vote to make sure we get good solid leadership in office. Your duty as a Christian is too stand against all that is evil, and this includes the voting booth.

We must mobilize the Church to vote in the next election. It is the only way we can stop the Socialists from destroying this nation, and keep less than Christian and Conservative candidates from taking power. Follow the link below and read further.

Voting Righteously is Christian Duty

Saturday, July 11, 2015

Why is God Not Punishing Those Who Promote Evil?

Watching this video it is clear that God is already judging America for it's sinfulness, and wickedness. I don't ever remember seeing two tornado's close together ripping apart small towns, causing such devastation than I have seen in the last two years. As the reporter stated is was if God had taken two of his finger tips and scratched a path of destruction through this town.

I asked God why he sent those catastrophes upon seemingly decent people, and not upon the centers where so many of the radical homosexuals are, like San Francisco? God said to me that the homosexuals will get whats coming too them soon enough, and it will be terrifying for them. Read your Bible, where does judgment begin? It begins in the House of God! 

Why it may seem unfair at this time that these super storms are ravaging the Bible Belt where so many supposed Christians live, and not the places where the mass of evil dwells, the answer is still the same. Judgement begins in the House of God! 

The bulk of professing Christians have not stood up against evil in society, they have voted for political candidates that pretend to support their moral values, but do almost nothing to stop the evil once they get into office. These professing Christians are really good at throwing money at organizations to do what these Christians ought to be doing themselves, being salt and light, but they are not.

So the large portion of the American Church does not engage the culture, does not take a physical stand against evil,  or even bother to share the Gospel with a lost person. There is a distinct possibility that a large portion of Church-goers are not really saved, and not going to Heaven. The Scripture tells us that if our Salt loses it's saltiness that it is good for nothing, except to be thrown down on the ground, and trampled underfoot. I don't think this is something to be taken lightly by any means, but it is extremely serious in nature.

Oh my Brothers and Sisters repent today of your lack of desire to reach the lost, or your lack of a strong prayer life, of your spiritual apathy. We cannot cower and wait around for the rapture, we must obey the Lords commands and evangelize the culture at all costs. If you are not sure of your Salvation you should indeed make sure of it today.