Friday, December 18, 2015

Will it Take ISIS to Awaken the North American Church?

English: Front of First Christian Church, loca...
Seriously, I can write the most compelling things, and passionate pleas to the Christian Church to wake up from their luke-warm state, and start doing what Christ commanded them to do. I can plead and beg till I'm blue in the face for modern day Churchians to repent of their spiritual apathy, and only a very small fraction ever read it or are affected by it.

Get a Clue Church, Nap Time is OVER!

Pastors and Evangelists can stand behind the pulpit doing much the same thing and see the same basic response. Only a few will respond to their pleas to turn back to God and surrender their lives for the sake of the Gospel. Either the Church is that far gone, or most professing Christians are not really saved and do not have the Holy Spirit.

I know that when the truth is preached whether from behind the pulpit or in print, some people are going to be offended when confronted with the truth, and the idea that the majority of Church-Going so-called Christians may not be Born-again or Spirit-Filled.  The Bible tells us that in the last days men will not put up with sound doctrine (accurate teachings), instead, they will follow their own desires, and surround themselves with false teachers who will tell them what they want to hear, not what they need to hear.

Many preachers there days no longer teach accurate Biblical doctrine, instead they preach fluffy warm sermons that make people feel good about themselves, or they preach outright heresy. Prosperity Preachers, and Positive Thinking Preachers are everywhere leading people astray with false teaching, and the sheep swallow it whole. The candy-coating tastes sweet in thier mouths, gets them all excited, and then they go out and live like demons.

We have all seen the videos of the horrible atrocities that ISIS/ISIL has committed against our brethern in other countries. It's easy to say to ourselves "That just happens over there, that could never happen here", and you couldn't be any more wrong because the enemy is already here, and the threat is real. We do not know when the enemy may enter the place we are dining with our family, our childrens school, or our Churches and start firing their guns as they shout "God is great" in thier native toungue.

Peace on Earth and Good Will Towards Men means absolutetly nothing to these people. They do not respect human life one bit, and do not care if you live or die, they rather make you die.  They do not care how they kill you, you are infidels to them, they are all ordered in the Koran to murder you and I.  They hate Christiainity the same way they hate Judism, and Israel. We are known to them as people of the book (Bible), and they consider the Bible to be tainted by Jews and Christians.

Our President Barack Obama wants to bring thousands more of these people into our country and give them free stuff with our tax-dollars without screening them at all.  He will systemcatically disperse them all throughout the country, they may be moved into your town, and become a threat to you freedom and way of life.  When Muslims reach a large enough percentage of the population they begin to demand everyone comply with their religious laws, and this is where the trouble will start when Americans tell them to go screw themselves.

All Hell is about to break loose here in America. None of us will be safe no matter what the Government does, or says. Our hope must be in Jesus the Christ alone, not in any politican or party, and certainly not in the Government.  That's not even really the worst of it. We have already seen a Muslim behead a woman in Oklahoma only a while back because they would not covert to his religion. This could happen all across this nation and things might just get real ugly.

What if all of a sudden being a Christian in America suddenly became something that costs you something precious, like you own life. or the lives of freinds and loved ones?  What if they came for your head? Any idea what would happen in the Church? All of sudden all of the luke warm Christians become red hot because now they are repenting of thier sin and revival is sweeping through our nation.  Where there is danger and a huge cost for being a follower of Jesus, there are serious beleivers who take the faith seriously, and the rest just leave the Church.

There would be a cleansing of the body of Christ and it would not take long to happen. The sheep would be seperated by the goats in a hurry, and revival would break out which is what we need very badly in America. Oh how I wish the Church would get serious about God now instead of having to face this type of persecution, but chances are they won't because Satan has them blindsided by the things of this world to the point that they just don't care.

This could in fact happen before Christ calls his bride home, I don't know for sure that it will, but for the sake of the many who are decieved by mere religion and still need to know the Savior, I hope God does send some severe judgement for just a long enough to make the Church wake up!

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