Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Tear your Hearts, and not your Garment’s

The Lord calls us through his Holy Word to come humbly before him, having declared a Holy fast he beckons us to cry out to him!

Joel 1:14 Declare a holy fast; call a sacred assembly. Summon the elders and all who live in the land to the house of the LORD your God, and cry out to the Lord.

He is looking at America for those who will be faithful to him, even to the death. Just as he searched the whole earth and found Noah a man of Righteousness, and chose so spare him from the terrible wrath of a Holy God, so today he searches for those whose hearts are broken  before him, and are willing to count the cost.

Ezekiel 22:30-31 - "I looked for a man among them who would build up the wall and stand before me in the gap on behalf of the land so I would not have to destroy it, but I found none." So I will pour out my wrath on them and consume them with my fiery anger, bringing down on their own heads all they have done, declares the Sovereign Lord."

God does not want outward show, but an inward signs of repentance!

It starts with within the heart of a man/woman. Outward signs such as the tearing of clothing, sitting in ashes, or the beating of ones physical body serve only for an outward show. God desires for us to have change within ourselves that only he can give us. We cannot change ourselves, he must do the changing, we must allow him full access.

Joel 2:12-13 - Yet even now," declares the LORD, "Return to Me with all your heart, And with fasting, weeping and mourning ; And rend your heart and not your garments." Now return to the LORD your God, For He is gracious and compassionate, Slow to anger, abounding in loving kindness And relenting of evil.

God does not want outward signs, but inward change, not sacrifice, but obedience!

Psalms 51:16-17 - You do not delight in sacrifice, or I would bring it; you do not take pleasure in burnt offerings. The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit; a broken and contrite heart, O God, you will not despise.

God want us to fall on our faces before him in true heart-felt repentance for our personal and national sins. What are those sins you ask?

We stood by as evolution was forced into our school systems., and God was forced out.

We stood by as abortion (genocide) on demand was legalized, and millions of innocent babies slaughtered for profit. Very few went out into the streets and spoke up on their behalf.

We have elected corrupt and ungodly men into high political office, and now we are being railroaded as a nation into non existence.

We stood by and allowed the ungodly to get away with using the media and the schools to proselytize their false religion of humanism/secularism to our children, turning many of them away from the faith they were taught by their parents.

Most of all for we allowed the Word of God to be watered down, and thrown out of so many of America’s churches, and replaced with feel-good theology, and a Marxist social gospel that can not save even one soul from Hell!

We allowed ourselves to become lukewarm and indifferent to the things of God, so we no longer desire the deeper things of God, but we are comfortable just skimming the surface of the faith, instead of digging in and becoming strong in the Spirit!

The Church of Christ should be a Spiritual force to be reckoned with, instead it is a door mat to be trampled upon! A nation to be invaded by Satanic minions of darkness whose intentions are to destroy her witness once and for all!

The ONE Bulwark that stands between Individual Liberty and slavery to a corrupt Communist system, is Christianity, and the Gospel of Jesus Christ!

The enemies of faith and freedom know that if they can destroy Christianity in the west, they can rule the USA and re-make her into a 21st century iron curtain nation. You and I will either get real serious with God NOW! or we will fall victim to the socialist death machine!

I wonder what you will do??  I wonder what America will do??

If this message quickens your spirit take it and proclaim it from sea to shining sea until every American has heard the message!

God Save America!

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