Tuesday, November 30, 2010

America is Living on Borrowed Time

America is living on borrowed time!

Just as this nation survives on borrowed money, that will some day have to be paid back, or else.  Therefore, the United States of America is living on borrowed time that soon will run out and the great society that once stood as a beacon of light to the world will crumble helplessly into a pile of rubble.

Once this nation stood upon the truth of the Gospel of Christ, the Word of God was used to teach little children to read in our public schools, now the Bible is considered a book of hate, and is banned from the classroom.

So help us God, the only reason we have not fallen in complete ruin already is because a true remnant of the Church of Jesus Christ is alive and well in America. This remnant stay’s true to the Word of God, pursues God and his Holiness, and prays to God for revival to come to America.

Still America is living on borrowed time, hanging by a thread of the Grace of Almighty the One.  America, God has been patient with you, he has allowed you to remain a great nation, but now his patience has run thin, and he is allowing you to destroy yourself from within.

God has allowed the power of Anti-Christ to seize the highest offices in your land. Ungodly men and woman plot your very destruction. You are manipulated from atop your own nations skyscrapers, from the crafty minds of Madison Avenue, and your nations capital.

What HOPE do you have now America?

The doomsday clock continues to click out the minutes until your destruction comes, and when it comes it will be swift, and will paralyze your entire nation, and total panic will ensue. The citizens of America will not know what to do when their TV’s, cell phones, and computers no longer operate.  You means of communication will be cut off, and all it takes is one E-bomb to drop and knock out our communications grid, and our power grid.

How fragile our world really is?

That one bomb could take out a large portion of our lives, and leave us in a state of panic! How horrible it will be for those who place their trust in the things of this world, while rejecting the Lord Jesus Christ, who bought them with a very high price, himself !

How terrifying it will be for those who trust the internet, instead of trusting God!

Yes, America is living on borrowed time!

Jonathan Edwards put it so powerfully in his famous sermon entitled “Sinners in the hands of an Angry God” Where he very graphically describes how a man walks over a thin covering, over the very pit of Hell, with the flames nipping at his heels, yet he is unaware that of what is happening to him. He has no idea that the only thing holding him up is the sheer pleasure (grace) of God. “At any moment” Edwards states, God could decide to let go, and the man would fall into the very flames of Hell itself.

America, you hang by a small thread, one that could break at any moment, you as a nation would fall into what would seem like Hell, and you will not know how to save yourselves. Your whole way of life will have disappeared before your eyes. Your money will sit in the bank, and you will not have access to it because the computers are down, your food will begin to run out, and clean drinking water will become scarce.

LOOK AMERICA!  Look at what you have placed your faith in, LOOK!

SEE! SEE how quickly everything you trust on a daily basis can fall to ruin before your eyes!

A fallible and fragile system designed and built by fallible and faulty men!  What you hold in your hand today will NOT last, but I know something that will last. I know a sure foundation that does not rely on the electrical and communication grids to operate! I know the one who created the world, the entire universe is his, and at his command.

Thy IPOD shall someday die!

Nevertheless, those who place their faith in Jesus Christ shall never die, but shall have everlasting life. This is what God declares is his Word!

John 3:16 -   "For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life.”

The lines of communication with God are not affected by the high tech weapons of men, nor can they be jammed by the military, or the CIA.  When you whole world falls apart, and it seems there is nothing left to hold onto, believe me God is still there to hold onto. If tomorrow, we were to wake up with no electricity, no internet, no cell phone, no ipod, etc. 

I tell you the truth; those who trust Christ have something solid too hold onto too, what do you have?

America, your only hope is Jesus Christ!  He alone can save you! He alone can rescue this nation! He alone died on the cross for our sins, and was raised from the dead! LOOK AMERICA!

LOOK! Look unto Jesus Christ, your ONLY HOPE! Your ONLY Salvation! He who brings real CHANGE by his transforming power! He want’s to change you today, too transform you life into something good, something worthwhile that will count for eternity. God wants to call you friend. He wants you to seek him while he can still be found.

America may be living on borrowed time, but God’s people are not. They are supported by an invisible hand that grips them tightly, and securely. What is supporting you today?

We pray that America may be spared her judgment for a time, but we know it is inevitable. Lord God there are so many more in our society that do not know you as Lord and Savior, help us your people to be ever vigilant in our fight to rescue souls from the darkness. In Jesus Holy Name, AMEN!

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