Wednesday, February 29, 2012

America Beware of the Impending Wrath of a Holy God

God allowed the Nation of Israel to fall into the hands of it's enemies when it responded in pride and arrogance, in defiance towards God, why should America be any different?  It's no longer a question of if, but when will God's patience wear out with America? He sent us a warning on 9/11 and some got it, but most did not, why?

America has fallen into the hands to her enemies, they are within our own borders, and many of them are citizens as well. Will the American people wake up and seek God through repentance, and turn back to the founding principles he set forth for us through our founding fathers, or will we all perish on account of our sin and defiance against a Holy and a Righteous God!

If God's people in America will tear their hearts before God, and weep before him in repentance for themselves, and their nation, there is a chance God will relent his judgment upon this nation. Honestly, we deserve Mr. Hussein Obama, for he is simply a reflection of the arrogance and defiance against God Almighty that exists all throughout our society. We can't blame Obama when we ourselves are just as guilty before God of allowing wickedness to run wild across this nation. 

We have become a nation of Anarchists!

Denying God, Defying God, and Deriding (Ridiculing,Mocking,) God! 

Proverbs 21:24 - "“Scoffer” is the name of the arrogant, haughty man who acts with arrogant pride."

This describes the people of America, even those who call themselves Christians who live for themselves, and have not learned what it means to die to self, pick up their cross and truly follow Jesus Christ. 

The Atheist scoffs at the existence of God saying 'He does not exist', even though he/she has very knowledge of God's existence planted deep withing them, they openly deny what their soul testify's too as truth. The Homosexual/Bi-sexual/and Transgender-ed makes a mockery of God  because they enjoy the sin in their sexual deviancy, and love to open defy their creator God by misusing and abusing 

The adulterer, the fornicator, the thief, the liar, the idolater, the polytheist (many gods), The blasphemer, and those who look the other way and/or tolerate evil, calling in good when it is wickedness in the eyes of God. It's only a matter of time before God will unleash his judgment on America, now is the time to turn back to God, now is the time to repent before him!

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