Friday, October 7, 2011


Things are beginning to heat up in the political race for next years big Presidential election. People are choosing sides, and choosing a favorite candidate that they would like to see in the Oval Office January of 2013. Every candidate has his/her plan to save the country, fix our failing economy, and create jobs.

In the meantime, the present leader of the nation is doing everything he can to destroy the economy, and destroy the job market, why he claims to be fixing it. Everyone is wondering if there is going to be an America left by the time election season comes around.

God is the one who appoints leaders to office, and any authority the Government has comes from him. Every dictator throughout history was allowed to be in power for a season, and most of them did evil things that were against the Holy nature of God, but were allowed for a reason. NO God did approve of Hitlers mass murder of the Jews in the gas chambers, anymore than he approves of the mass murder of the unborn here in America.

God has allowed evil men to take control of the United States of America for a season, they are doing horrible things to this country, and most Americans are helpless to stop them. You and I ask why this is? Why would God allow such things to happen here in America? I think the answer is easier to find than what you think it is. Just consider how sexual immorality has become commonplace in our culture. How what once was considered wrong is now looked at as being right, and how the media is saturated with sexual images of every kind, and we sheep just sit back and take it all in.

We have become desensitized to sin!  Desensitized to the point that we don't care to even raise a finger in protest anymore, we just let ourselves soak it up not realizing the danger we are putting ourselves in. The Devil knows what it takes to dumb down a culture, and destroy her from within, and he has gotten away with it, almost!

What hope is there then for America?

Surely American is on the brink of it's own destruction! The enemies are within our borders, even within our own homes, it is us, we have become our own worst enemies. Why is this you say? Because we have to some degree bought into the corruption ourselves, and allowed Satan room to work his evil, and water us down spiritually as a nation.

We have allowed the opposing religions of this world to challenge our minds and hearts for dominion. Humanism, Islam, Buddhism, and others have invaded and sought to tear down Christianity, and destroy the witness of Jesus Christ in our culture. Laws are passed that favor those who are full of hatred for the Gospel of Christ. Their places of worship have taken route in our cities, and their intentions are not as pure as they would like us to believe. Their ultimate goal is our annihilation! The death of the west, and the death of every Christian, non-Christian, and Jew who refuses to convert to Islam.

This is the system of Anti-Christ, alive and well in the world today, and growing in power everyday. It could be that America's present leadership is in place in order to take America down in order to allow the enemies of faith and freedom to overtake our country. It seems by the times that we are living in, and the signs that we are living on the verge of the coming of Jesus Christ for his Church. If that is the case, then everything is happening for a reason, and there is not much time left for men to repent, and turn to Christ before the door of the Ark of Salvation is closed!

Evil has reproduced freely in our culture at an alarming rate, as we Americans just get fatter and lazier, and farther from our Creator God. Yes we have fallen into a deep trap set for us, and the only way out is too look up, too God for a rescue. Even in Conservative circles many refuse Christ, and his way in exchange for political fix instead.

Let me make this clear to you my friend! American's Saving Grace is NOT Political! It is Spiritual!

The Bible makes it very clear that Satan has blinded the minds of the masses, so that they cannot understand the Gospel of Christ, and cannot find their way to the cross to find redemption, and forgiveness for sin.

2 Corinthians 4:4 -"Satan, who is the god of this world, has blinded the minds of those who don't believe. They are unable to see the glorious light of the Good News. They don't understand this message about the glory of Christ, who is the exact likeness of God."

Let me make this clear to you, Satan wants to take your soul straight to Hell!  Those who refuse Jesus Christ are his trophies! I heard a minister talking many years ago saying that he visited the medical examiners office in L.A county, California. He said the place wreaked of death as dead bodies lined the hallways, as the refrigeration rooms were too full to accommodate all of them. Many of the dead there were young people, and he stated that he heard Satan whisper in his ear, "See, these are my trophies". What a sad, and horrible thing to realize that so many die everyday without Jesus Christ, and find themselves lost in a place of virtual torment, apart from God for eternity.

Will you make yourself listen to the voice of reason? or will you turn your ears away from what could be your last chance too change? America's only hope is Jesus Christ! There is NO other way to save this nation then you and I falling on our faces before God in repentance, first for our personal sins, and then for our national sins. 

We MUST cry out to God for mercy! We must recognize how we have offended him by taking him out of our schools, and out of public view. We have disgraced his Holy Name! We deserve to be slaves under a socialist dictator! We deserve to lose our liberty, and freedoms that we have used for evil instead of good. We have made a mockery of him in our churches by allowing the world to invade and change our doctrines, and replace them with socialized doctrines of demons.

We deserve nothing more than to be judged as a nation, and that is why Obama is in office. This is not the fault of white Americans, but all Americans. The heart and soul of this nation is now in moral danger. Will you begin to pray unto God for mercy? or continue in your pride and arrogance?


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