Monday, January 2, 2017

Make the Church Great Again

We've heard a lot about making America Great again, but what made America great was it's Christian faith and founding. It is God who blessed America and made it great, gave it strength, and made it grow and become the leader of the world in many areas.

Even the Communist Chinese admit that it was Americas Christianity that made America a great and powerful nation, but over the past 70 Years we have witnessed the moral and spiritual decline in our nation as society bought into the many tricks of the devil and our nation began to fall away from God and His Truth to embrace the latest craze.

With each new and upcoming generation, we have slid farther away from God, farther from his truth, and now we are reaping what we have sown as the next generation of Americans are 90% godless and embrace the principles of Socialism not the principles of God's Word. They largely reject Jesus Christ and Christianity and have mostly abandoned the Churches altogether.

Making matters worse the Churches have failed to confront society and evangelize each generation with the Gospel, therefore we have lost the biggest chance to make America great again by ignoring the lost on our own nation while funded professional missionaries overseas.

We are in fact reaping what we have sowed for the last 70-100 years and it is coming back to bite us square in the butt, as the godless generation takes control of the nation they will seek to rid society of Christianity in favor of a much different system of Government, and the fundamental change that Obama and the left have been talking about for several years now we come into being, unless the Church changes before it's too late.

American will only be great again if the Christian Church becomes great again.  How do we, in fact, make the Church great again?  The answer is simple and profound. Unless we as Christians start by allowing the Holy Spirit to make us broken over our own sin so we each fall upon our knees in confession and repentance,  thereby allowing God to send revival to our hearts, to our Churches, and to this nation.

Have we "Christian" Church goers of America hardened our hearts to the point where the Holy Spirit can no longer penetrate them?  Are we that unable to hear the voice to God beckoning us to return to him in fear and trembling that we might be softened by the sweetness of his love, grace, and mercy.

When we are able then to hear the voice of God once again we will again experience his power and his presence in our lives, and in our places of Worship.  This would revolutionize the Churches of America and the Church would become great again, and America would become great again.

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