Monday, August 24, 2015

What it Means to Pour Contempt on ALL My Sin?

I was reminded today of the words of an old hymn:

"When I survey the wondrous cross, on which the prince of glory died, my richest gains I count but loss, and pour contempt on all my pride."

The definition of contempt is - to Scorn, disdain, be disgusted, to loathe, to hate, or to abhor something or someone.  The question I had to ask myself was "do I truly hate my own sin? Am I disgusted by my own immoral thoughts, or do I disdain my own lying tongue?  I felt God telling me to look up what contempt means and apply it to all of many sins. Do I hate my own sin as God hates my sin?

Pouring contempt on all our pride opens the door to realize how horrible, and filthy our own sin really is. When we are able to break through by the enabling of the Holy Spirit to recognize how nasty we really are, that our own works equal a pile of nasty bloody menstrual rags that have been thrown outside the city gate.

Our sin could be represented by the same picture as those rags smelled absolutely repulsive to all that were unlucky enough to get too close to the pile, or get a whiff of them before they were set on fire and burned up. Our sin gives off a terrible stench, is just as repulsive, and if we are able to grasp onto that and understand that, the Holy Spirit can them break our hard hearts, and make us tender before him again.

I used to work at a car wash that was just down the street from the cities sewage treatment plant. during the summer months when it was hot and humid, and the wind was just right, we would get a face full of the nasty stench of that place. It was enough to turn your stomach more over and over.  Nothing smells worse than human waste fermenting in the hot sun, but that's what are sin smells like, and if were honest with God about out sin, we will smell the stench of it, and truly confess it. 

Can we in this modern age even begin to comprehend the horror of what our Savior went through so that we could be set free from the wrath of God, to live lives that please God because of Christ Jesus.  I think we don't even begin to scratch the surface of what Jesus suffered on our behalf.  We cannot smell the sickening smell that permeated Calvary (Human Blood, Urine, Feces, etc).

We cannot hear the moaning, the condemned crying out in anguish as they gasp for another breath. The Romans always crucified individuals right along the main roads in and out of the city

I am reminded of what Christ suffered on all of our behalf, and let us not take his suffering lightly as to whitewash over the fact that what he suffered was horrendous by today's standards of execution in the United States. Let us, however, be reminded of the torture and brutality that our fellow believers in hostile nations have suffered and are now suffering because of their faith in Jesus Christ.

What does it mean to have contempt on our pride, or on our sin?

We hear a lot about ISIS/ISIL, and we have seen the pictures of modern day crucifixions of Christian brothers and sisters by this mob of satanic radicals.  Don't tell me you feel their pain, you don't feel a damn thing! We in the west are anesthetized to what is happening over there, and we have never ever really suffered for our faith in Christ, but that may change at any time as those who want to kill us are on our shores now.

You and I look at what Christ suffered and we cannot feel the intense pain of the beating, and the scourging he underwent. We can't even imagine a person being whipped to the point that they no longer represent a human being, but a big bloody piece of hamburger being marched through the streets of the city. It's a miracle that he had any blood left in his system by the time he got to the place of crucifixion, and his suffering was far from being over as they threw him down on the beams of the cross, twisted his arms popping his shoulders out of joint, and nailing his hands to the wood, and then his feet also.

Jesus the Christ went through pure hell on earth so that we could escape the Hell we all justly deserved. We should be living lives of gratitude to him for what he has done for us, we need to pour contempt on our pride, and our hidden sins that we try to hide from others, and from God.  Greed, Lust, Covetousness, Lying, Stealing, Adultery, Fornication, etc.  Lord help us all to pour contempt upon our many sins, to scorn sin the way scorn sin, to abhor evil the way you abhor evil, and to hatred upon our own evil ways.

Having contempt for one's sins leads to personal brokenness, which includes humility, and honesty before God.  All of this will lead us to a place of refreshing from God, it will bring revival into our lives, it gives us a fresh start.

Saturday, August 15, 2015

Christians Wake Up and Vote Righteously in the Polls

Some Christians now view voting as something they should not do if the candidates do not fit into a specific set of rigid guidelines they have designed themselves in order to further their specific goal.  These individuals have chosen to sit out more than one vital election, allowing all out socialists to win each election.

I happen to disagree with this idea, I believe it is the duty of every God Fearing Christian in American to register to vote, and vote their Christian faith in the polls. Doing so would prohibit the ungodly, or less than godly candidate from taking office.  The fact is that too many professing Christians stay home, don't register, and don't vote, and that is how we end up with eight years of Obama, and if they do not get up, get out, and get involved in the process, we will end up with an even worse President than we have just had.

Your duty as an American is too be involved in your Government, and vote to make sure we get good solid leadership in office. Your duty as a Christian is too stand against all that is evil, and this includes the voting booth.

We must mobilize the Church to vote in the next election. It is the only way we can stop the Socialists from destroying this nation, and keep less than Christian and Conservative candidates from taking power. Follow the link below and read further.

Voting Righteously is Christian Duty