Wednesday, December 3, 2014


In America, Churches buildings are a dime a dozen. Seems like there is one on every street corner, yet the many people in their own neighborhoods go untouched by the Gospel Message. Why? Are they not Evangelizing? Or have the people grown so cold that they just are not concerned about the lost anymore? Living busy lives, preoccupied with the things of this world, Christians seem to lose sight of what Christ called them to do, reach the lost.

The Church has strayed from it's roots, it has the appearance of Christianity, but lacks the power of the Holy Spirit.  How can you tell the difference between a Church that has fire, and one that does not? Look for the signs (people getting saved, lives changing, real passion and love for God, a desire to see many saved, the Pastor is a man of vision, etc.). Ask yourself, Is God at work here or not? In not, get out and find a Church where God is at work.

Men of God used to preach sermons that made people squirm and shake in their seats, where are these men today? Multitudes of Church-goers could be found at the altar weeping in repentance before God. Where is this is today's modern Churches? Preachers of old had the fire of God in them, they preached great sermons that stirred men to action, to obey God's Word. Where are there preachers today?

Where is the brokenness in the hearts of the people? Where is the concern for the lost? Where is the love for God, and for our neighbor?  Why are our pulpits silent on the subject of entrenched evil in the culture?

We need REVIVAL is the American Church!

It starts with a season of humility, brokenness, and repentance before God

Joel 2:13 - Rend your heart and not your garments. Return to the LORD your God, for he is gracious and compassionate, slow to anger and abounding in love, and he relents from sending calamity.

Join with Pastors and Churches all across the nation, see the event on facebook!

Monday, September 29, 2014

The Christian Response to Islam and ISIS

The violence and hatred of Islamic Terrorists known as ISIS is mind-blowing at best. The scenes of them cutting the heads of off hostages, sends a cold chill down our backs, and causes us to express anger towards these men who would do such things to another human being.  ISIS is now the object of much hate as we want them destroyed before they can do any more evil, but if we were honest with ourselves as a nation, we would realize that we destroy thousands of people everyday in America, we just do it behind closed doors, in little white rooms where very few know what is taking place.

One of the latest pictures to come along on Facebook shows an Islamic cleric stomping a little baby boy to death. This child was taken from his Christian parents arms, thrown on the ground, and stomped to death. There is no respect for human life within Islam, but we live in a nation that also has little respect for human life.

Christians are taught from the Word of the Living God to 'Love God, and Hate Sin'. We are instructed to hate what is evil, but also to overcome evil with good. All too often we try and overcome evil with evil, violence with violence, etc.  We are not to take part in what is evil, but to expose it so that everyone can see the evil, and know who is perpetrating it.  When light shines in on the darkness it dissipates, and is no more. Those who enjoy living in the darkness are not always so happy when the light shines in on their evil doing, but nevertheless it is our duty as Christians to do so.

How should the Christian respond towards those who full of hate, and committing evil acts?  Jesus said that we are too love our enemies, and do good to them that hate us. How do we do good to these Islamic butchers? The answer is that we are too pray for them, that God will speak to their hard hearts, and allow the too hear the Gospel, repent of their sin, and be saved.

Also we should be praying for our fellow believers in Christ who are suffering at the hand of these Islamic Barbarians. Pray that they may be strengthened in their faith, that God will give them the Holy Boldness to be fruitful witnesses to their killers, that their testimonies might speak for themselves.

Yes it is heart-wrenching to see the violence against these believers in Christ, and to hear about the atrocities being done to little children in the name of the false god of Islam, but the One True of Living God is merciful to accept them into his arms where they will suffer no more. It is said that the Blood of the Saints is the seed of the Church, and that has been proven all down through history as Christians have suffered as much, if not more that Jews have under tyrannical socialistic Governments, and leaders.

Whether is be a Communist Government as in China, or a ruthless dictator such as Nero, Christians have carried the testimony concerning Jesus Christ boldly as they went to their deaths. Persecution always makes the Church grow, and it also helps to clean out the false converts and Judases weighing her down. Only true believers, those truly born-again stick it out when things get ugly, but that is God's way of purifying His Church. So Christ say's to us 'fear not little flock, remember that I have overcome the world, and having done that you have also overcome the world."

The Question is how to make ourselves do what is right v.s. what our humanness is screaming at us to do. It is easy to hate those who hate us, and do evil things, it is far more difficult to love them as God commanded us too. Loving our enemies does not mean that we do not take action against this evil empire, for to sit back and do nothing to aid our brothers and sisters would not be right either.  We are justified as a nation to do what we can to put a stop to there blood-thirsty killers, realizing that we are commanded as Christians to Rescue those being taken away to death (Prov. 24:11-12).

There are plenty to Muslims right here is America that we can pray for, and attempt to evangelize. If we believe in the Name of Jesus, that it is powerful enough to tear down the walls Satan has built up against us, surely we would see God move in power and many Muslims would repent and turn to Jesus for Salvation.

There is a difference between knowing what the Word of God say's, and actually obeying it. We are too be doers of the Word of the Lord, not hearers only. If there was ever a time for the Church to be the Church that time is now!

Pray mightily in the Holy Spirit for these last days are going too be perilous, and our faith is going to tested to the hilt. Many will undoubtedly fall away from the faith, and people will  feeling rather hopeless which will provide us with fertile fields to work with, so pray to the Lord of the Harvest to raise us workers, that we might reap a harvest in these last day's.

The God of Love, and the Prince of Peace be with you!