Friday, July 13, 2012

Praying for Rain

It's been a very hot and dry month with temps reaching to ninety degree mark, even topping One Hundred degrees once or twice. There has been a high risk of fire, and local fire departments have been extra busy putting them out. The Fourth of July was of special concern seeing people were lighting off fireworks, and some were not as careful as others were.

The farmers are getting concerned as the corn which was coming up so nice, is now starting to curl up for because of the lack of rain, and the weatherman is giving us very little chance over the next two weeks for any substantial rain. The storms that developed to our South West disappeared over the big lake as they moved this way, a big disappointment indeed.

There is nothing we can do to make it rain, except pray and ask God to send some our way. I wonder how many people actually consider asking God for things like rain? It makes sense that the one who created rain, would be able to create some for us if we ask in faith, believing that he will do what we ask him too. Isn't that what we are told in the Scripture anyway? Too ask in faith believing, and not to doubt?

The Lord knows we are in a drought, and it is dangerous to our economy, in that the damage to crops could cause food prices to climb. So what would he allow such things as to happen knowing that it causes hardship for us? Well how many of us have even thought of at least speaking with the Lord about the situation? Truthfully many don't!

Seems that most people today turn and curse God when things get rough instead of turning too Him, and humbly asking God for help when they need it. That is the problem with our American society, we have turned our backs on God, and even go as far as openly defying him. Then why on earth should God help us when we are experiencing trouble? Why shouldn't God turn a blind eye why our crops rot in the fields, and our land is consumed by fire?

Let's be honest with one another. We have a much larger drought in this land, a spiritual drought that has causes the faith of many to wither up, and die. Others are just rebellious towards God altogether, and see no need for a Savior to set them free. We are living in a post Christian culture, in a nation that was originally founded on the Gospel of Christ Jesus, but now rejects it.

The greater problem in this nation is that people no longer fear God. They no longer have reverence for things that are sacred, or Holy in nature. God is viewed as being a great slave driver in the sky that wants to enslave them, when in fact he is a God of mercy that holds out his arms beckoning them to repent, and be saved.

We need to pray for rain, both physical, and spiritual!

Revival must start in the church, it must start with God's people, but it can only happen after God's people repent! Christian do you not realize that judgment begins in the House of God? So why then would repentance and revival not start there also.

If we desire this nation to turn back to God, the church must do it first! Some who call themselves Christians, are not true followers of Jesus, and many churches and denominations have fallen into apostasy, and the Spirit of God has departed from them. There remains a true remnant, the bride of Christ who has remained faithful to the end. These are not any one church or denomination, but all those who have come to true repentance, and received the free gift of Salvation God offers to every person who asks in faith.

Let us then humble ourselves before God in repentance, confessing our personal and national sins. Turning our back on them, and yielding ourselves to God. As the Church goes my friends, so goes the nation.

Let us then pray for rain, that God might have mercy on us one more time.

PFR- Pray for Rain

The Desert Song - Hillsong

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