Monday, June 4, 2012

Broken Before God

Feeling Broken inside? The truth is that God cannot effectively use us the way he wants too unless we are first broken before him. The problem is that when we yield ourselves to him in this way, asking to be broke by God, we don't really realize what were asking for. Being broke by God is a painful and difficult process where the Holy Spirit begins too clean all the crap out of our lives that is holding us back from living in a real relationship to God. 

We as Christians tend to lose our spiritual sensitivity over time as we are bombarded by the garbage the world keeps hurling at us, at break neck speed. It's often to late when we realize that we forgot to put on the amour of God that protects us from the fiery darts of Satan, and here we stand unprotected, and vulnerable. How easy we are taken down and dragged away when we let our guard down. 

How easily we fall victim to the ploys and distractions of the world. Remember my friend that all that glitters isn't gold, sometimes it's actually rubbish. Like the young man who demanded his share of his fathers inheritance, then went out and lived the wild life only to wind up eating and sleeping with the pigs, we too often fall into the same trap.

I am so glad that God is in the business of fixing broken people. He takes the ashes and creates wonders from it that blow our human minds. Now we know that at the end of our trials and tribulations we have something to look forward too that far exceeds the glammer this world has to offer. Until we get there however we may have to walk through some nasty stuff on the way. Sometimes God allows us to experience unpleasant things in order to make something beautiful out of our lives.

God tells us in His Word that he disciplines his sons because he loves us so much, and if God is not discipling you then your not his child. So the first step is to be sure that you are actually a child of God, that you've been Born-Again as Jesus said to be. Are you a true son or daughter of God? Did you come to a point in your life where you realized you had a problem called 'Sin', and needed a Savior? It takes true repentance to become a child of God, without that you can't claim Salvation.

God wants his Children to be broken before him, so that he can use them to bring him glory, so that God can use us to touch other peoples lives. I think about believers in other countries around the world where becoming a Christian is a death sentence to them, and they are more than happy to face severe persecution, and even death in order to follow Jesus Christ. What about in America? Who in this nation has really faced the direct possibility of being murdered because they accepted Jesus Christ as their Savior? I'm guess nobody has since we have freedom of religion here in America.

Freedom of speech, and of religion is a great thing, but on the other hand our western style of Christianity is weak and watered down, because of the amazing liberty we have had in America. Our great wealth, and prosperity has caused us to take our faith for granted, why other brothers and sisters around the world are being burned to death as they worship God in their church buildings. Kind of sobering isn't it? 

We in American should be weeping for them! We should be praying for those who are perpetrating these terrible acts of violence upon innocent Christians as they gather for worship. Yet our hearts are callused, and cold. We say to ourselves, That's a shame that those people died like that, 'blankety-blank' those Muslims for doing that to them'.  News of this sort does not really shake us up as it should, something is wrong with us people!

What we need is to be softened up by the Holy Spirit. What we need is too allow God to break us up, as painful as it can be, the church in American needs to be softened up. Once this happens, God will be able to move in His Church again in North America, because those that comprise the church are now usable for His glory. Of course I am talking about things on a nation level, what about on a personal level?

Do you really want to be used of God? Do you long for His touch? How desperate are you for God? Is there a burning fire inside of you that burns so hot you can't refuse it? That's called passion! Most Christians today don't experience this because they are too full of themselves, just like the rest of American society. This is the garbage that need to clean out by God before he can truly use His child that way He wants too use them.

We all claim to love God yet we don't love all of the brethren the way we ought too. Most of us have someone in our local church that we do not like, or even hate for some reason, and this is why God say's that his truth is not in us. We are liars if we say we love God, but we hate our brother in Christ! Then were does that leave us? On the outside looking in still. Time to search your heart and soul to be sure your in the faith, or at least repent of your sin and let God restore you.

I think that there is a distinct possibility that the Church in American is going to go through a time of breaking , and softening, so that it will again be a powerhouse for God instead of a country club! I urge my brothers and sisters in Christ in American to carefully think about the true state of the Church, and the nation at large. Consider for yourself the cost of following Christ to be sure it is a price you are willing to pay, and then if your are willing, follow Christ at all costs realizing that the day may be coming when those who call Jesus Lord may have to pay with their lives for doing so.

God wants his Church, His people broken and humble before him, so that they may be clean vessels that are usable to reach a lost and dying world before he comes again. He does this because he loves us so much and desires for us to live in vital communion with him. Are you willing to be broken? Have you been broken by God? Are you ready to serve him with everything you are?

The only way to become a beautiful masterpiece in the eye's of God is to let him break you. He is the master potter that takes a lump of clay and molds it into something worthwhile, and he is the only one that can do so.

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