Monday, September 14, 2015

The Great and Fearful Day of the Lord is Approaching

Joel 2:11 - "The LORD will shout in the presence of his forces because his encampment is very great; for powerful is he who carries out his message. Truly the Day of the LORD is great and very terrifying. Who will be able to survive it?"

Surely we are near the Great and Fearful Day of the Lord, the Judgement day that is foretold by the prophets of old when all men shall appear before the throne of the Almighty and the books opened, and each person will be judged for what they did while in living in their human body. 

Christians are expecting this day to come, and praying for it to come quickly as this world is falling further into sin and evil, and mankind is growing more wicked by the day.  While it's true that the believer who has repented and received by faith the free gift of God, eternal life in His Son Jesus will have already been judged in Heaven at the Bema Seat. 

They are present on this day to witness the opening of the Book of Life, and those who names not found written in the book are thrown into the Lake of Fire right along with Satan and every one of his fallen angels (demons) (Rev. 20:15).

This will be a terrible day as for many who refused to listen and repent, and those who denied the existence of God no longer can doubt that he is. They are not standing, they are on their faces begging to be saved, but the day of Salvation has passed, only the wrath of God awaits them.

Many nice religious people who believed in God, may have attended Church on Sunday, May have done many good things in their lives yet they did not truly repent, they did not truly Call upon the Name of the Lord to be saved.  Working men and woman, business people, those who were of the elite class in society.

Politicians, Bankers, Lawyers, Doctors, and even some Ministers. Homemakers, Blue-collar, White-Collar, every man, woman, boy, girl - their position in life does not matter anymore, for the Lambs Book of Life has been opened, and their names either appear in it or does not appear.

Their bodies have been changed into earthly bodies have been changed into bodies spiritual ones that do not die in the presence of God and do not die in Eternity either. Those who belong to the Lamb that has overcome. their bodies are celestial in nature, fit for Heaven. Those who are receiving judgment, they have new spiritual bodies also, ones that never get used to the torment, and will never die.

As for the Saved they are not under the wrath of God, they receive their reward commensurate with what they did or did not do in Jesus Name. The Scripture says's that ALL of our works will be revealed by fire to see what sort of work we have done, "and whosever work  shall remain shall receive his reward from the Builder. And if any man's work is burned, he shall suffer loss, but he himself will be saved, yet so as through fire.(1 Cor. 3:10-15).

There are saved Christians that have done nothing or little for God in their lifetimes. What they have or have not done will be revealed, and only what they have done for Christ will be left, and their reward or lack thereof will be based upon that. The Bible tells us that the person that believes and confesses that Jesus Christ is Lord, he is saved from the coming wrath of God and is not under condemnation.

Yet this day will be fearful dear Christian, for we shall see with our new eyes the King of Glory, and behold him who we have placed our total trust in. He Jesus the Christ is our Reward! He is the one we have been waiting so long to see, and we shall spend eternity with him never to suffer again.

My Great Fear is that there are some even sitting in this place today who have not come to a place where they realize their need for a Savior, who have not truly turned from their sin, and trusted fully in Christ to save them. Yes, it is possible to be religious and still be lost, die, and find yourself in Hell! Do not fool yourselves. Sure you've heard the Gospel many times and have knowledge in your head concerning the Bible, the Cross, and yet you have not the knowledge in your heart of hearts.

All of us have broken the Law of God, All of us have lied at some point in our lives, or stolen something. We have used the Name of God inappropriately, in vain as a cuss word, or a by-word, and you know it's true. Most of us have lusted, looked at a woman and had sexual thoughts, some here may have gazed upon someone of the same gender just the same. Who in this room has never hated someone?

The truth is that each one of us is guilty every one of these things!  None of us is immune to sin, ALL of us have broken the Law's of God including me. When we break the law we must endure the consequences of our actions, and with God it is the same way. Do you not expect to be held accountable by God for breaking His Laws?

Hear my Words! 

Knowing and admitting that you have broken the Laws of God. and knowing and admitting that God will judge you accordingly, I must tell you the is you have not repented of your sin, your soul is in mortal danger of Eternal Fire, and that my friend should terrify you greatly! But there is some good news.

God sent Jesus to pay the price for yours and my lawbreaking! Jesus paid for it with his body and his blood on the Cross and God offers you a complete pardon, he wants to erase every hate crime that you committed against him by breaking His Law. A pardon that not only clears your criminal record before the High Court of Heaven, and set's you and I free from the penalty for your sin that we clearly deserve.

I implore you by the Mercy of God to Repent Today and receive your pardon from the Lord. The end is near us, time is short, do not wait a second longer.