Friday, May 3, 2013

Why the Christian Church Should Make Abolishing Abortion it's #1 Social Concern

ABORTION // Fetus & Moron

Many evils plague American society, but one of the most evil of all is legalized abortion. Since 1973 when Roe v.s. Wade led to the legalization of the barbaric practice, over 54 million unborn children have been sacrificed too Satan in America's abortuaries. This number is a conservative figure, but it adds up too almost three thousand murders of the unborn daily in this country.

The home of the free and the brave we are called, yet the most innocent and helpless among us still the victim of the horrible act of abortion. Our founding fathers wrote that we as Americans had certain inalienable rights, that among them were Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness, but some people saw fit to deny those rights to the unborn in order to allow them to carry out their blood thirsty agenda.

All it take is for the courts to decide that a particular group of people can be viewed legally as less than human, and then they have no rights, and no legal protection under the law. They did it too the black Africans allowing many in the south to keep slaves, and they treated them as animals, not people. In the same way the unborn have been dehumanized by the left in order to allow them to be murdered by abortion, then their body parts sold and used for all sorts of research, and even used in commercial products we ourselves use, and never realize it.

No wonder they want abortion to remain a so-called woman's right, it's a multi-billion dollar racket, and the ungodly are profiting of the suffering of the innocent. We American sheep are too stupid to realize how we are aiding this by using certain companies products, thereby creating even more of a market for the dead bodies of aborted babies. This should make even non-Christians sick too their stomach!

The dehumanization of the unborn alone violates everything the Scripture teaches us. How can we sit idly by why this continues to take place in our society. We go and worship God week after week, ignoring the fact that within miles of our air-conditioned, comfortable church buildings, there are horrific acts of violence taking place, and we think that somehow God will excuse our indifference.
Who are we kidding! How can anyone be a true follower of Jesus Christ and not do something to stop this barbarianism that is taking place in our culture? The Bible clearly teaches us that we are set the captives free, and to bind up the broken hearted, etc. We are also taught that God knows every child why it is still in it's mothers womb, and that God has a plan for every life.

I know how it is, how easy it is too be complacent, and in your mind justify your inaction. Seriously! It is time for every Christian to stand up and become abolitionists, and actively work to make abortion a thing of the past. NO TRUE follower of Jesus Christ can justify supporting abortion, under any circumstances, and if you do, then you should be checking yourself too see if your truly belong to Christ or not!

The Abortion issue is the foundation of all of the evil leftist agendas in this country. If it were to fall, every other evil agenda such as gay marriage would crumble also. Liberalism as we know it would take such a heavy hit, it would be difficult for the radical socialists to revive it. The socialist movement in American hinges on legalized abortion. It is what they are based upon, and without it they lose the bulk of their political power.
We need every believer in the trenches fighting this evil! No one should be standing in the background expecting someone else too do it, you have to do it! The abortion abolition movement is driven by the Gospel of Jesus! It is our goal not only to put an stop to abortion, but to share the life changing message of Jesus with anyone we can.

Education is accomplished through agitation, which is going out and holding signs that get peoples attention, so we can strike up a conversation about the fact that we are abolitionists out to end abortion. This is NOT popular with many people, and some will be very upset and say nasty things, but we must realize that they are inhabited by the God of this world, the devil, and don't know any better. It is up to us too attempt to educate them as too why they should not support abortion.

Blogging, using Face-book, and other social media sites to share the message is a good thing to do, and we encourage people to take a stand, but mere words, or voting pro-life is not enough, we need everyone to come out of their comfort zones, and engage the enemy.

The blood of 55 Million unborn children is crying out to us, those of us that call ourselves Christians, who go by day to day knowing that babies are being aborted not far from where we live, and we do nothing about it. Do we honestly expect that God will be proud of us for doing nothing? I would think that God rather would be ashamed of us, because we were to scared to take a public stand for him.

I'm not asking anyone to break the law by blocking doors to the clinics, or anything like that. We do demonstrate at clinics, but it is done peacefully, within the limits of the law. What we need in America is a moral and spiritual awakening which must come through the Church. We are too be Salt and Light in this world, and we are warned of the consequences of losing our saltiness. The future of our nation is at critical mass with heathen leaders that have no respect for our nation, and do not respect life, but want to further the evil act of abortion through forced taxation, and funding of pro-murder organizations.

Church of Christ! Your silence is acceptance of abortion, and everything that goes with it. Abortion is the Satanic sacrifice of the unborn, and your helping the enemy by not boldly taking a physical stand. Lay down whatever you have too and make time to take part in the abolition of abortion, we need all of you, not just a few.

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