Saturday, September 29, 2012


The Government of the United States, and the current regime in power do NOT have the right to tell us, the American people that we cannot bend our knees before God in front of the White House. The White House belongs to us, the people, not to Obama, and we have the right to pray where ever we want too. If MLK were alive today he would be kneeling as well. If We the People will not stand up for our rights now, we will awake to find we no longer have any rights at all! 

Pray for those that will physically take this stand, on there knees, and will be arrested for doing so! The time has come for us to no longer merely give our faith and values lip service, but put them into action, why we still can.

Pray to the Lord, tear your hearts and not your garments my brothers and sisters! Repent before God and return to him now! This nation is coming under severe judgment, unless we turn back as a nation now! The Lord will hear us if we humble ourselves before him! This is a Christian Nation, we were founding on the precepts of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, anyone who say's different is a liar, call them what they are too their face, their liars!

Let us stand firm in this evil day, and having done all stand firm (Eph. 6:13).

Let us each put on the full armor of God, and put in on daily, so that we are fit for battle with the real enemy, the Devil. (Eph. 6:14-18 ) - Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place, and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace. In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.

(Eph 6:18) - Pray in the Spirit at all times and on every occasion. Stay alert and be persistent in your prayers for all believers everywhere.

We are exhorted to stand firm, dressed from head to toe in Holy armor. We are to be ever diligent in prayer, alert and persistent! I fear that most Christians today are not dressed in their armor, but have removed it because it weighs them down from enjoying the world, instead of remaining faithful to God. 

There ought to be thousands gathering in front of "OUR HOUSE" on Pennsylvania Ave. to kneel and pray, not just a small handful of people who dare to stand against the worlds system that wants to silence us, and keep us out of the way. They passed a federal law that prohibits kneeling and praying in front of the White House. You can stand there, wave your arms, carry signs, scratch you butt, take a picture. You cannot kneel and pray there they say, but our founding documents say different, and our Bible's tell us different!

It took many people to break the chains of racism in America, to give black Americans the freedom to vote. To have the freedom to ride the public bus and sit anywhere they like. To be able to drink from the same water fountain as everyone else. To be able to use the same restrooms as other people do. MLK led be example! He was not afraid to be arrested for what doing what was morally right, and we today should not be afraid to stand for what is right also!

We are all facing the imposing chains of Socialism! The Communist's are in power! We are afraid for our own lives, so we huddle in our homes, and our church buildings. We talk about how terrible things are, but we won't act to stop it before it becomes impossible to deal with? Jesus told us that if we lose our lives for his sake, or die to ourselves, we would find life. But if we keep our lives, stay to ourselves, in our safe Christian communities, while society falls into oblivion. Why do those of us who know Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior fear the actions of men? In other nations accepting Christ means a death sentence, and they are all too happy to embrace to torture, and death for Christ's sake. But we in North America live our lives in such luxury compared to the third world, and Arab world, that we take for granted the blessings God has bestowed upon us.

Do you not realize that Christ has called you out of your own life, out from behind those stained glass windows, to be sheep among wolves? A little persecution and we are all up on arms, but a little persecution is what the Church is North American needs to be honest! We should not fear death, we should not fear men, we should not fear anything for that matter, and this because of Christ who has freed us from the chains of sin and death, and restored us to a right relationship with God the Father, and commanded us to go out into the world and preach the good news of Salvation to every creature!

Why do we fear? Could it be that we have so much that we are full of pride? Could it be we are just to comfortable, and way too entertained by the mass media of our culture? It is true then that fifty percent of the people sitting in the church pews every week are not really saved, and do not truly belong to Christ! The religious lost who have no spiritual fervor, no passion for God, and no desire to do anything but grow fatter and lazier while our nation is dragged down into Hell.

To those who feel the quickening of the Spirit of God to do more than just talk about it, more than just pray about it, who would dare to be like the Prophet Daniel who knelled and prayed three times a day, Obeying God rather than man, and found himself in the lions den. I am reminded of three strong young Hebrew men that would not bow to the kings stature when the music played, and found themselves tossed into a fiery furnace. These men were delivered from death by the hand of Lord, but many others were went joyfully into the arena to be eaten alive by hungry lions. Others were impaled by Nero to light his gardens at night.

Today in Egypt they are crucifying Coptic Christians for sport. There is NO guarantee that God will deliver his children every time. Sometimes God chooses to allow his Children to pay a price for what they believe, so that God may be glorified in our suffering.

Matt. 10:28 - "Do not be afraid of those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. Rather, be afraid of the One who can destroy both soul and body in hell."

They are slowly taking away our liberty's, one by one they pass laws that restrict our God given rights, that they have no right to restrict, and unless we come together as Americans, and put our faith into action, we will soon lose everything we hold dear. This is happening NOW! They have been using abortion, and birth control as means to undermine the Christian Church, and they have been doing it for many years, and only a handful on people dared to take their opposition into the street. It is easy to man-handle a small group of people, but they cannot man-handle thousands, or millions of Christians, and other Americans who dare to talk a massive stand against evil!

So what's stopping you from stepping out? You know you want to do something radical for God and Country, so do it! Why just sit around and talk about it, put it in action for crying out loud! Surely no one in there right mind really wants to be enslaved to a Socialist Government? Surely we all want to be free and enjoy the liberty that God gave too us here in America. But liberty and freedom without the moral compass of the Bible, and without reverence for God, becomes unbridled anarchy. We must stand firm and hold fast to the source of our liberty, our Christian faith and heritage as a nation. Let us pray to the Almighty that He might have mercy on us, and spare us there chains.

Our Founding Fathers left their homeland because of tyranny, and religious oppression. They sailed to a new land which they founded specifically so that they would be free to worship God according to the dictates of their consciouses. Men fought against the British, many lost their lives to secure our liberty, how dare we take this for granted! How dare we allow tyrants to usurp our liberties! How dare we not stand up and fight as our forefathers did, to gain freedom for future generations! How dare we allow evil men to place chains upon us and make us slaves to a would-be dictator! How dare we!

Galatians 5:1 - "It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery."

Let us lay aside the things that distract us, the things of this world that keep us from God. Let us stand firm in our Christian faith. Let us not fear man, but instead fear God.