Monday, April 16, 2012

Who did Jesus say to Preach the Gospel too?

There is NO doubt the America is a nation that has enjoyed great prosperity that has resulted in much wealth, and materialism among the nations inhabitants. Even the nations poor enjoy some of the benefits that make the poor of other nations jealous of their wealth. 

This of course has effected the Church of our Lord Jesus Christ in that those who worship do so in great comfort, and safety, while their brothers and sisters across the globe take  great risks to come together and worship God.

Affluence is described as in the dictionary as "abundance of money, property, and other material goods;riches; wealth.  Our church buildings are carpeted, heated, air conditioned, filled with every type of modern conveniences, and technologies galore.  We drive nice cars, live in nice homes, most of which have the same conveniences.  

The problem is that we have become so accustom to being comfortable. We have become anesthetized by materialism, numbed by prosperity, and lulled to sleep by entertainment. 

We have fallen victim to our own lusts, our own pride, and or own greed! 

The church, consisting of those who call themselves followers of Christ, has forgotten it's mission, neglected it's calling, and left the work of Jesus Christ for someone else to do. 

Tell me, what is the work of Jesus Christ? It is 'Evangelism' is it not? And what is Evangelism? But the preaching and sharing of the Gospel of Jesus with those who need to hear it!  Jesus told us to go out into the streets and compel people to come into the fold, did he not? Are we doing what we were told to do?

Many churches do in fact embrace evangelism throughout their communities, don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to paint every church with a broad brush, my issue with the Church is that it is become an affluent Church, aimed at affluent people. Understand that the affluent need Christ also, but affluent men who enjoy prosperity are not who Jesus told us to preach too....

What happens in our churches when someone who is not affluent walks in? Maybe they are not dressed the way we would wish them to be. Maybe they are really different? How do we treat them? Like outcasts? Are they ignored by church members? Do people laugh at them, or stare at them? Is that what Jesus would do?

What if they came because they are looking for some hope in their lives? Maybe they are looking for someone to reach out to them, to love them unconditionally? Maybe they came to find Jesus?

Maybe they lost their job? Maybe they lost their home? Maybe they just because separated from their spouse, or are going through a divorce? Maybe they hurt inside? Maybe they have an issue with drugs and/or alcohol? Whatever the issue God brought them their to find answers, not to be persecuted by religious zealots! 

What did Jesus tell us to do in regards to the poor and hurting?

Jesus said in Luke 4:18 "The Spirit of the LORD is upon me, for he has anointed me to bring Good News to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim that captives will be released, that the blind will see, that the oppressed will be set free,"  

Jesus stated in Matt. 26:8 "The poor you will always have with you......."

There will always be those who are poor among us, those who do not drive the nicest cars, live in the nicest homes, wear the nicest clothes money can buy, and Jesus commands his disciples to preach to these people the Gospel of the Kingdom of God! WHY? Why did Jesus take aim at the poor instead of the wealthy? What was his point?

Could it be that those who are affluent and are able to afford the good things of the world have a much harder time realizing their need for a Savior? Could it be that those who are wealthy and enjoy great prosperity tend to view themselves as self made men who don't need God? The truth is that those who are poor are much more receptive to Gospel because their hearts are already broken, and they are looking for hope, looking for love and acceptance, and more wiling to listen to us when we are sharing with them the good news of Jesus Christ.

This message is not so much about the poor even, but about how the Church has become affluent in itself, and how church-going 'Christians' NO longer feel a sense of urgency when it comes to the lost. Western Christianity has become a hotbed of affluency where the 'saved' are lost in comfort, while the world around them sinks deeper and deeper into sin, and depravity. 

Jesus came for what reason?  

Mark 2:17 - "And hearing this, Jesus said to them, "It is not those who are healthy who need a physician, but those who are sick; I did not come to call the righteous, but sinners."

Jesus came to save dirty, low-down sinners, not to cater to self-righteous church goers!

The Church has become inoculated by Satan so that they no longer see,feel, or hear the cries of the lost!  The sinners in our own communities remain unreached, while we bask in comfort and security.  We are so lost in ourselves, thinking we are doing great things for God, and all the while he is weeping for us as we have missed the point altogether. 

What if we just for a moment were permitted by God to hear the groans and cries of of those who have left this world and found themselves in Hell? Would that not change our perspective? Would we dump the affluent lifestyle were so fond of, and embrace our real purpose for being here, to preach the Gospel of Christ, and see sinners come to repentance and Salvation!

Would some of us downgrade our level of living and invest the difference into the Kingdom of God, so that people in our communities would come to know Jesus as Lord and Savior of their lives. Would we get out from behind the stained glass curtain and take a few risks in order to others to be saved? Would we spend more time in God's Word, and more time on our knees with God, instead of more time in front of our TV sets, and computers?

What has to happen in America for God's people to wake up!  Affluency has destroyed the passion for God that once flowed through our churches, and out into our cities and towns. Affluency has produced apathy, and indifference in the hearts of well meaning Christians, so that they are focused on the wrong  targets, and not willing to take the necessary risks for God.

God forgive your people who have gone astray. Forgive us for the temporal idols we have erected in our lives that block our view of things eternal. Lord hear our cries of repentance! Lord we tear down our idols! Lord we want to embrace your calling today! In Jesus Name, Amen! 

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