Wednesday, March 30, 2016

America is Laodicea All Over Again

First Baptist Meetinghouse in Providence, RI, USA
In Revelation 3:14-21 we see the letter written to the Church in Laodicea, and we see the an example given to them so that they could understand God's displeasure with the attitudes. The Laodiceans were  blessed with an abundance of material wealth to the point where they became less interested in the things of God and more interested in material things and wealth.

The prosperity of the land had dulled their spiritual fervor and caused them to become lazy and more interested in the pursuit of pleasure rather than the pursuit of God. Because of this, they received a strong rebuke and were urged to repent of their wicked ways.

The Question remains did they repent and change their ways, or did they continue in error drowning in their prosperity and receiving judgement from the hand of God? Honestly, we do not really know what their response was, what we do know however is that they had fallen away from the grace they once knew because they sought the riches of this world and became nominal in their faith.

God says to them "I wish that you were either hot or cold". God would prefer people either to be on fire for him or ice cold and rejecting him altogether. God does not like it when people become lukewarm as the church in Laodicea did, in fact, God's says that he will vomit them out of his mouth. Lukewarm Christian and lukewarm Church make God nauseated, and it makes him want to puke!

The Church was essentially dead in Laodicea, it had become a spiritually lifeless and powerless group of people who cared nothing for the things of God.  They had lost their passion for God and their love for him because of the vast wealth they were enjoying. These people were not true followers of Christ, they were not born-again. They had a degree of religion but it was dead religion, fake religion, they were 'Christians in name ONLY'.

Does any of this sound familiar?  It should, because we in America are living in the same type of lukewarm that the Laodiceans were living in. We Americans have been blessed with an over abundance of material blessings and as a result we have also lost our passion for God, and our desire to chase after him, and carry his Gospel into the streets and win the lost to Christ.

The Church in Laodicea and the Church in American are essentially in the same boat, and that boat is sinking more every day.  The Church is just like in that day is full of people who really don't believe and are not true Christians. The spiritual life has been sucked out of our lives by our desire for the things of this world, and as we pursue the things of this world we slow down and stop in our pursuit of God.

I think you get the point do you not?  God is NAUSEATED by the Modern American Church!

God wants to vomit us out of his mouth, and then what?

There are only a handful of local assemblies that even preach the truth anymore!  Only a few Pastors that dare to speak the truth because the truth is not a popular subject with most people in our culture today. There is NO spiritual power in most Churches because the people are more into the things of this world, than they are the things of God.

The prayer life of most professing Christians consists of a token prayer at the dinner table, or a learned prayer with the children at bedtime.  There are few that truly pray with fervor in the Power of the Holy Spirit!  Prayer is ridiculously powerful if we are truly following Christ and are pure in heart before him.

Fervent prayer would save this nation from self-destructing but not enough people care about praying, it's easier to go out and protest or be political because then we are the ones in control, but when we are walking in the Spirit of God and praying we can do far more and God is control, not us.

How many professing believers actually pick up the Word of God and spend some real time reading and meditating on it, hiding it in their heart where no one can take it away from them?

Judgement, however, is NOT coming, it's Here!

..and Judgement begins in the House of God, with the Church, we in fact are the Church, so God will judge us for our lazy lukewarmness long before he turns and judges the sinful lifestyles of unregenerated men. If we will not turn around now we will deserve every bit of judgement we get, and it will not be pretty, you can mark my words.

God is Holy and Righteous. He is Just and he is judging America for its wickedness, and the Spiritually Weak Christian Church is to blame for not being the salt and light in the American society that it was called to be. It's impossible for a people to remain passionate for God and for the Gospel when they are drowning in luxury, and addicted to being entertained all the time.

I think we need to simplify our lives and start putting the things of God back in first place where they belong. Making lots of money is never satisfying and it tends to draw one away from God. All of a sudden that boat or motorhome or that cottage becomes more of a stumbling block to our spiritual lives than it does anything else. Materialism has destroyed the spiritual life of America and it's people.

Nothing is more important that sharing the Gospel and bringing people into the Kingdom of God. It should take precedence over every other thing in our lives, even our jobs. Is it right to receive a paycheck from this world when you are ignoring the command of Christ to reach the lost and make disciples? We are to set our sites on things above not on things below.

You think this message is extreme and you think I am an idiot for preaching these things but when you stand before God to give an account of the life you have lived on this earth, I wonder if he will know you, or not?  Because "many will come to him on that day saying Lord, Lord, and he will tell them I don't know you"  These are people on the inside of the Church who were never truly saved and lived carnal worldly lives enjoying the pleasures of life instead of being focused on God, Christ, and the Gospel Message.

Every morning we ought to wake up with one thing on our mind. Who can I reach today with the hope of the Gospel? Whose life can I help change today? How can I spread salt and shine a light in this Hellbound culture we live in?  Our entire focus day and night should be the things of God not the things of this world!  The love and grace of God are what we ought to exuberate, or bleed each and every day. If we as believers lived like this we would change the world!

We need to stop hating and start loving. We need to stop taking each other to court and start showing mercy and extending forgiveness to each other in the body of Christ, not tearing each other apart, or spreading nastiness about fellow Christians in an attempt to destroy them.  Those who do such things within our churches I seriously doubt are even saved to begin with.

It is time for major changes to occur where Christianity is concerned in America, otherwise, the Church is done for, and society will turn on us in ways you have not imagined yet. The overall message I am preaching here to the modern day Church is - Turn from your own sin and wickedness and make sure you are truly born-again by the Spirit of God.  Fall down before our Holy Heavenly Father and be broken over your sin. Weep and mourn before the Lord, and cry out to him to send revival into our lives why there is still time because our time is running out.

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Chinese Christianity vs American Christianity - Persecution and Passion

I just watched a video of Christians in China and how they gather is secret risking their lives in order to pray and worship Jesus Christ.  They meet in caves, in homes, on farms out in the middle of nowhere, all because they love God so much that they want desperately to experience him. Clearly they put the 'Christians' in the west to shame, and we should be ashamed of ourselves because most of our Churches are dead as a corpse.

These people are being miraculously healed and deliver from disease and demonic spirits. The Holy Spirit is sweeping across the nation of China as thousands are coming to Christ and being saved. These people risk everything even their very own lives to come together while we in America move about freely taking for granted our liberty while our Chinese counterparts are restricted and must meet in secret.

The spiritual passion of these people is so real, they can't get enough of God. A four-hour sermon is a short one to them while in America 1 hour and we are tired and bored and want to go out to eat.  The American Church is superficial at best. American Christians are Luke-warm, and Dead from the Ass Up!  Don't get all legalistic on me over a certain word I just used either, a fact is a fact, GROW UP!

Again and Again, I have said that a large amount of people who fill the pews on Sunday are NOT even truly Born-again, have never truly repented of their sin. They may have prayed a prayer to accept Christ but lacked true repentance before God, or were the victims of modern day evangelism that paints a rosy picture of the Christian life, telling people that their lives will improve if they 'get saved', and that's a total lie from the pit of Hell itself.

Life does not get better in the sense that many claim. Life, in fact, gets harder once you are truly born-again. New Christians will lose friends, family members may turn on you, you may find that a lot of people you used to get along with no longer want anything to do with you. You may encounter some people who make fun of you or call you names because of your faith in Christ.

God does not want every believer to be wealthy and healthy, he is not going to transfer the wealth of evil men into the pockets of Christian men in the last days, that's complete hogwash!  The American Church has given itself to many seducing spirits and has fallen far from what Christ called her be. Many Churches preach a false socialized Gospel that saves nobody, it only lends to their deadness.

People in China are dirt poor, hungry, and suffering while we continue to live in luxury compared to the rest of the world.  Judgement begins in the House of God and judgement has come!  Why do you think God allowed an evil man run this nation? A man named Obama who has done everything to bankrupt this nation and plunge it into poverty under the control of big government socialism?

Why is Donald Trump a New York Liberal with ties of Organized Crime to storm the Republican Party and probably win the Presidency in 2016?  Why do you think so many so-called Evangelicals are supporting this man?  Why is the Godly and Honest Christian Conservative being maligned, lied about, and not winning this election?  Because the true Church of Jesus is a small remnant of believers and the bulk of so-called professing Christians are Christian's in Name ONLY!

We have not seen real persecution yet in this country, but I pray that it comes soon for the sake of the Church. I know this does not sound right to many of you, I mean who wants to be heavily persecuted for their faith right?  Honestly, we need this to happen in America and Canada. Real Persecution will clean out the Churches of false converts, and those who are truly saved will stand out from the crowd.

Some may even lose their lives for Christ's sake, find themselves in jail, or prison for their faith and because they will not compromise what they believe.  The Spirit of God will move and thousands may be brought into the Kingdom of God by grace through faith in Jesus Christ, just like in China. I pray this happens soon so that the True Church will be cleansed of apathetic luke-warm lost people.

Watch this video of believers in China. If this does not break your heart how these precious people come together in secret to pray and worship God, then I don't know what will break your heart of stone. Oh that the Church in the West would WAKE UP and start preaching the TRUTH even if it makes people really angry, so what! Let them get angry and offended and let them get the out of our Churches in they can't put up with sound doctrine anymore!

Watch this to learn to the Price Chinese Christians pay for their faith in Jesus Christ! How STRONG is your FAITH!

Rev. Paul Washer - Sermon - By Their Fruit

Saturday, January 2, 2016

The Law of God and the Constitution - How America Can Be a Great Nation Again

The Constitution and the Bill or Rights are known as America's founding documents that guarantee us our liberty, and right to pursue happiness, and many people see this as a license for them to live however they want while justifying their wicked behavior. These documents were never intended to be used to justify evil of any kind, in fact, if the founding fathers could see this society now they would all drop dead all over again from the shock and horror of how we have perverted our liberty they fought so hard to obtain.

The US Constitution may be one of our founding documents but without the solid foundation of the Word of God, and God's Moral Law (The Ten Commandments), these documents lose all of their authority and become useless pieces of paper. I am sure the Devil and his Demons clearly understand this fact and this is why his minions have worked hard over the years to remove every vestige of the One True and Living God from public view.

Utter chaos has erupted in our streets as men are angry riot because of what they perceive as being unjust treatment under the laws of men. These people fail to comprehend the importance of self-control and the need for proper civil discourse. Our police are now the targets of violence making their jobs, even riskier than ever, as people no longer have respect for authority, nor do they respect the laws of the land. and some see themselves as even being above the law.

They slaughter each other in the streets then claim to care about black lives without a clue that the liberal policies they embrace are at fault for creating the mess they live in.  The elite power brokers in our nation's capital, and sitting high up in many corporations manipulate the masses through deceptive propaganda for their own profit keeping people in poverty and against other people because of skin color, and such.

Romans chapter one makes it very clear that men have the inner knowledge of God and know deep inside that he exists but they refuse to acknowledge his existence, nor do they worship him as God. It states then that God has turned such individuals over to their own lusts and desires so that may self-destruct do to their own insane thinking. This describes our society so well today. People without God are literally insane and are on the path to eternal destruction.

America's days are numbered unless we turn things around now, and change our ways.  No politician or political party or movement is going to fix things. It's up to we the people to change by changing the way we view our founding documents. The Constitution without God's Moral Law behind it giving it's authority.  The Constitution  has been amended many times since it's creation to reflect the changing times and bring our laws up to date, but Law of God that never changes and is not amendable, and the Word of God stands forever!

Some of you are already thumbing your noses at me for even bringing God into this but God was in it from the beginning and is still there whether we will acknowledge his presence or not.  The Word of God and God's Moral Law what we formally know as the Ten Commandments is crucial to maintaining liberty and civility among the people.

The Moral Law of God also is the backbone of our system of laws starting with our founding documents, and if it is removed as the moral foundation upon which our nation was founded. The Constitution is not what men need to look to first for guidance but the Law of the Lord is the Moral Beacon for the people of this nation. Ungodly and Unregenerate men have brought this society down through endless assaults against God, His Holy Word, and His Moral Law.

Liberty and Freedom turn to chaos and anarchy without the Law of God providing a moral foundation and the Word of God as the spiritual foundation.

What happens to a building when the foundation is removed from under it?  The building can no longer stand for its support is gone from beneath it, and it becomes a pile of rubble. This is what is happening right now to the Constitution as ungodly men are removing the last of the foundational supports from underneath these documents and the authority that once stood firm as a declaration of liberty falls to the ground in a heap of rubble, and our nation with it.

Where exactly has the Christian Church been while all of this was happening?  Why is the outcry from the righteous? Why is there not more Holy Anger coming from those who profess to be followers of Christ? I believe the Christian Church in America has been reduced to being nothing but smoke and mirrors as Church people are more interested in prosperity more than God. The Church has grown progressive weak spiritually as they assumed the temperature of the world rather than setting the temperature for society.

The left used abortion on demand and evolution among others things to undermine the authority of the Church, and they used foolish preachers to spread their evil message for them.  The socialists knew exactly what they were doing all the way to removing the Commandments of God for the walls of the school-house to removing it from the courthouse.  The majority of professing Church-goers, I have a hard time even giving them the title of Christian, stand by and watch as the Devil wins another round against the people of God.

As a result of removing the foundation of the law that has underpinned our laws since their inception, we have seen a steady downward moral decline in America as each generation moves farther away from the founding principles that made this country great in the first place.  Every year it seems more evil erupts in our streets as the blood of the innocent runs into the gutters leaving a great stain of what was once a great nation.

Without the God of the Bible, we are not a great nation. Our leaders are corrupt and nothing but a bunch of blind guides leading a nation full of spiritually blind people in the pit of Hell.  America is morally bankrupt and no politician who is without the Lord will every be able to lead this nation away from its own self-destruction. We are being destroyed from within our own borders by ungodly men who think they are god as the bulk of God's people sit around talking about how awful things are.

If there in any hope of saving this nation it must be the preaching of the Law of God that converts the soul. The Word of God, the Fear of God, SIN, The judgment and wrath of God, The Truth concerning Hell, etc.  These are the messages that again must echo from the pulpits of America! We need a new crop of Whitefield's, D.L. Moody's, Paris Readhead's, and other great preachers of old. We need this because we need revival and we need it now!

Often Church people have the appearance of Godliness but lack the Power of God, and so the Churches also lack the Power of God. God is not moving as he ought to be in most of our Churches today. The idolatry of professing Christians today is utterly unbelievable! We are like the Israelites when Moses came down from the mountain. We have fashioned many a golden calf and spend more time worshiping it that God, and, therefore, God refuses our sacrifices, and is sickened by our songs of praise and worship (see Amos 5).

Churches that don't preach repentance, and those that don't even preach the truth of God anymore in favor of a socialized gospel false gospel of man, produce nothing but false converts who are no better off than the junky lying in the gutter spiritually speaking, except they are cleaner and have religion.

 "If the foundations be destroyed what shall the righteous do?"

If the Judeo-Christian foundation is fully destroyed as the Church sits by and watches in disbelief, there may be no resolution by which to save this nation. A total collapse will afford evil men their chance to remake America into the socialist paradise they have longed for, and worked for, for many years. Kiss you freedom goodbye and prepare to die!

The only remedy we have as Christians and as a nation is to return to the Lord our God. If God's people will humble themselves and turn from their wicked ways, turn to God and cry out of mercy I believe God will relent from sending his wrath upon this nation, and send revival and healing in it's placed. If not then prepare to pay a high price for your apathy and indifference because judgment is upon us even now as I write this warning to you all.

America can be a great nation again but it rides on the shoulders of those who profess to know Christ, and their willingness to radically change in order to see revival come, and the power of God come back to our Churches, and this nation.

God Save America!