The Lord calls us through his Holy Word to come humbly before him, having declared a Holy fast he beckons us to cry out to him!
Joel 1:14 Declare a holy fast; call a sacred assembly. Summon the elders and all who live in the land to the house of the LORD your God, and cry out to the Lord.
He is looking at America for those who will be faithful to him, even to the death. Just as he searched the whole earth and found Noah a man of Righteousness, and chose so spare him from the terrible wrath of a Holy God, so today he searches for those whose hearts are broken before him, and are willing to count the cost.
Ezekiel 22:30-31 - "I looked for a man among them who would build up the wall and stand before me in the gap on behalf of the land so I would not have to destroy it, but I found none." So I will pour out my wrath on them and consume them with my fiery anger, bringing down on their own heads all they have done, declares the Sovereign Lord."
God does not want outward show, but an inward signs of repentance!
It starts with within the heart of a man/woman. Outward signs such as the tearing of clothing, sitting in ashes, or the beating of ones physical body serve only for an outward show. God desires for us to have change within ourselves that only he can give us. We cannot change ourselves, he must do the changing, we must allow him full access.
Joel 2:12-13 - Yet even now," declares the LORD, "Return to Me with all your heart, And with fasting, weeping and mourning ; And rend your heart and not your garments." Now return to the LORD your God, For He is gracious and compassionate, Slow to anger, abounding in loving kindness And relenting of evil.
God does not want outward signs, but inward change, not sacrifice, but obedience!
Psalms 51:16-17 - You do not delight in sacrifice, or I would bring it; you do not take pleasure in burnt offerings. The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit; a broken and contrite heart, O God, you will not despise.
God want us to fall on our faces before him in true heart-felt repentance for our personal and national sins. What are those sins you ask?
We stood by as evolution was forced into our school systems., and God was forced out.
We stood by as abortion (genocide) on demand was legalized, and millions of innocent babies slaughtered for profit. Very few went out into the streets and spoke up on their behalf.
We have elected corrupt and ungodly men into high political office, and now we are being railroaded as a nation into non existence.
We stood by and allowed the ungodly to get away with using the media and the schools to proselytize their false religion of humanism/secularism to our children, turning many of them away from the faith they were taught by their parents.
Most of all for we allowed the Word of God to be watered down, and thrown out of so many of America’s churches, and replaced with feel-good theology, and a Marxist social gospel that can not save even one soul from Hell!
We allowed ourselves to become lukewarm and indifferent to the things of God, so we no longer desire the deeper things of God, but we are comfortable just skimming the surface of the faith, instead of digging in and becoming strong in the Spirit!
The Church of Christ should be a Spiritual force to be reckoned with, instead it is a door mat to be trampled upon! A nation to be invaded by Satanic minions of darkness whose intentions are to destroy her witness once and for all!
The ONE Bulwark that stands between Individual Liberty and slavery to a corrupt Communist system, is Christianity, and the Gospel of Jesus Christ!
The enemies of faith and freedom know that if they can destroy Christianity in the west, they can rule the USA and re-make her into a 21st century iron curtain nation. You and I will either get real serious with God NOW! or we will fall victim to the socialist death machine!
I wonder what you will do?? I wonder what America will do??
If this message quickens your spirit take it and proclaim it from sea to shining sea until every American has heard the message!
God Save America!
Speaking the Truth of God, Preaching His Word in Love and Power. All this Without Compromise or Excuse to the Glory of God Almighty!
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
America is Living on Borrowed Time
America is living on borrowed time!
Just as this nation survives on borrowed money, that will some day have to be paid back, or else. Therefore, the United States of America is living on borrowed time that soon will run out and the great society that once stood as a beacon of light to the world will crumble helplessly into a pile of rubble.
Once this nation stood upon the truth of the Gospel of Christ, the Word of God was used to teach little children to read in our public schools, now the Bible is considered a book of hate, and is banned from the classroom.
So help us God, the only reason we have not fallen in complete ruin already is because a true remnant of the Church of Jesus Christ is alive and well in America. This remnant stay’s true to the Word of God, pursues God and his Holiness, and prays to God for revival to come to America.
Still America is living on borrowed time, hanging by a thread of the Grace of Almighty the One. America, God has been patient with you, he has allowed you to remain a great nation, but now his patience has run thin, and he is allowing you to destroy yourself from within.
God has allowed the power of Anti-Christ to seize the highest offices in your land. Ungodly men and woman plot your very destruction. You are manipulated from atop your own nations skyscrapers, from the crafty minds of Madison Avenue, and your nations capital.
What HOPE do you have now America?
The doomsday clock continues to click out the minutes until your destruction comes, and when it comes it will be swift, and will paralyze your entire nation, and total panic will ensue. The citizens of America will not know what to do when their TV’s, cell phones, and computers no longer operate. You means of communication will be cut off, and all it takes is one E-bomb to drop and knock out our communications grid, and our power grid.
How fragile our world really is?
That one bomb could take out a large portion of our lives, and leave us in a state of panic! How horrible it will be for those who place their trust in the things of this world, while rejecting the Lord Jesus Christ, who bought them with a very high price, himself !
How terrifying it will be for those who trust the internet, instead of trusting God!
Yes, America is living on borrowed time!
Jonathan Edwards put it so powerfully in his famous sermon entitled “Sinners in the hands of an Angry God” Where he very graphically describes how a man walks over a thin covering, over the very pit of Hell, with the flames nipping at his heels, yet he is unaware that of what is happening to him. He has no idea that the only thing holding him up is the sheer pleasure (grace) of God. “At any moment” Edwards states, God could decide to let go, and the man would fall into the very flames of Hell itself.
America, you hang by a small thread, one that could break at any moment, you as a nation would fall into what would seem like Hell, and you will not know how to save yourselves. Your whole way of life will have disappeared before your eyes. Your money will sit in the bank, and you will not have access to it because the computers are down, your food will begin to run out, and clean drinking water will become scarce.
LOOK AMERICA! Look at what you have placed your faith in, LOOK!
SEE! SEE how quickly everything you trust on a daily basis can fall to ruin before your eyes!
A fallible and fragile system designed and built by fallible and faulty men! What you hold in your hand today will NOT last, but I know something that will last. I know a sure foundation that does not rely on the electrical and communication grids to operate! I know the one who created the world, the entire universe is his, and at his command.
Thy IPOD shall someday die!
Nevertheless, those who place their faith in Jesus Christ shall never die, but shall have everlasting life. This is what God declares is his Word!
John 3:16 - "For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life.”
The lines of communication with God are not affected by the high tech weapons of men, nor can they be jammed by the military, or the CIA. When you whole world falls apart, and it seems there is nothing left to hold onto, believe me God is still there to hold onto. If tomorrow, we were to wake up with no electricity, no internet, no cell phone, no ipod, etc.
I tell you the truth; those who trust Christ have something solid too hold onto too, what do you have?
America, your only hope is Jesus Christ! He alone can save you! He alone can rescue this nation! He alone died on the cross for our sins, and was raised from the dead! LOOK AMERICA!
LOOK! Look unto Jesus Christ, your ONLY HOPE! Your ONLY Salvation! He who brings real CHANGE by his transforming power! He want’s to change you today, too transform you life into something good, something worthwhile that will count for eternity. God wants to call you friend. He wants you to seek him while he can still be found.
America may be living on borrowed time, but God’s people are not. They are supported by an invisible hand that grips them tightly, and securely. What is supporting you today?
We pray that America may be spared her judgment for a time, but we know it is inevitable. Lord God there are so many more in our society that do not know you as Lord and Savior, help us your people to be ever vigilant in our fight to rescue souls from the darkness. In Jesus Holy Name, AMEN!
Just as this nation survives on borrowed money, that will some day have to be paid back, or else. Therefore, the United States of America is living on borrowed time that soon will run out and the great society that once stood as a beacon of light to the world will crumble helplessly into a pile of rubble.
Once this nation stood upon the truth of the Gospel of Christ, the Word of God was used to teach little children to read in our public schools, now the Bible is considered a book of hate, and is banned from the classroom.
So help us God, the only reason we have not fallen in complete ruin already is because a true remnant of the Church of Jesus Christ is alive and well in America. This remnant stay’s true to the Word of God, pursues God and his Holiness, and prays to God for revival to come to America.
Still America is living on borrowed time, hanging by a thread of the Grace of Almighty the One. America, God has been patient with you, he has allowed you to remain a great nation, but now his patience has run thin, and he is allowing you to destroy yourself from within.
God has allowed the power of Anti-Christ to seize the highest offices in your land. Ungodly men and woman plot your very destruction. You are manipulated from atop your own nations skyscrapers, from the crafty minds of Madison Avenue, and your nations capital.
What HOPE do you have now America?
The doomsday clock continues to click out the minutes until your destruction comes, and when it comes it will be swift, and will paralyze your entire nation, and total panic will ensue. The citizens of America will not know what to do when their TV’s, cell phones, and computers no longer operate. You means of communication will be cut off, and all it takes is one E-bomb to drop and knock out our communications grid, and our power grid.
How fragile our world really is?
That one bomb could take out a large portion of our lives, and leave us in a state of panic! How horrible it will be for those who place their trust in the things of this world, while rejecting the Lord Jesus Christ, who bought them with a very high price, himself !
How terrifying it will be for those who trust the internet, instead of trusting God!
Yes, America is living on borrowed time!
Jonathan Edwards put it so powerfully in his famous sermon entitled “Sinners in the hands of an Angry God” Where he very graphically describes how a man walks over a thin covering, over the very pit of Hell, with the flames nipping at his heels, yet he is unaware that of what is happening to him. He has no idea that the only thing holding him up is the sheer pleasure (grace) of God. “At any moment” Edwards states, God could decide to let go, and the man would fall into the very flames of Hell itself.
America, you hang by a small thread, one that could break at any moment, you as a nation would fall into what would seem like Hell, and you will not know how to save yourselves. Your whole way of life will have disappeared before your eyes. Your money will sit in the bank, and you will not have access to it because the computers are down, your food will begin to run out, and clean drinking water will become scarce.
LOOK AMERICA! Look at what you have placed your faith in, LOOK!
SEE! SEE how quickly everything you trust on a daily basis can fall to ruin before your eyes!
A fallible and fragile system designed and built by fallible and faulty men! What you hold in your hand today will NOT last, but I know something that will last. I know a sure foundation that does not rely on the electrical and communication grids to operate! I know the one who created the world, the entire universe is his, and at his command.
Thy IPOD shall someday die!
Nevertheless, those who place their faith in Jesus Christ shall never die, but shall have everlasting life. This is what God declares is his Word!
John 3:16 - "For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life.”
The lines of communication with God are not affected by the high tech weapons of men, nor can they be jammed by the military, or the CIA. When you whole world falls apart, and it seems there is nothing left to hold onto, believe me God is still there to hold onto. If tomorrow, we were to wake up with no electricity, no internet, no cell phone, no ipod, etc.
I tell you the truth; those who trust Christ have something solid too hold onto too, what do you have?
America, your only hope is Jesus Christ! He alone can save you! He alone can rescue this nation! He alone died on the cross for our sins, and was raised from the dead! LOOK AMERICA!
LOOK! Look unto Jesus Christ, your ONLY HOPE! Your ONLY Salvation! He who brings real CHANGE by his transforming power! He want’s to change you today, too transform you life into something good, something worthwhile that will count for eternity. God wants to call you friend. He wants you to seek him while he can still be found.
America may be living on borrowed time, but God’s people are not. They are supported by an invisible hand that grips them tightly, and securely. What is supporting you today?
We pray that America may be spared her judgment for a time, but we know it is inevitable. Lord God there are so many more in our society that do not know you as Lord and Savior, help us your people to be ever vigilant in our fight to rescue souls from the darkness. In Jesus Holy Name, AMEN!
Thursday, November 25, 2010
The Light and Transforming Power of God
When we look about our present culture it is quite evident that we have fallen far from the original vision that our founders had when they founded this nation, the United States of America.
Our founding fathers desired that every citizen would be beholden to the Almighty, and that every home should have a Bible and a Newspaper in it too help ensure that every citizen was well schooled in morality, and religion. These two things would strengthen every home, village, town, and the whole nation.
The principles of God as laid forth in the pages of the Holy Scriptures, are the principles that make a nation free and strong. Our founding fathers knew this to be a fact, and took every precaution they could to insure that this was so. As the nation grew, those who has no respect for Biblical morality, or Christianity crept in, and began to work to undermine the foundation laid by our founding fathers.
“Whatever makes men good Christians, makes them good citizens as well” - Noah Webster Nov 22, 1820
The men who founded America knew that if the teachings of the Scripture did not permeate each and every city, and town. That it would not be long before evil literature found it’s way into the hearts and minds of the citizens, and chaos would indeed ensue. These men knew that the Gospel of Jesus Christ had great power to transform this nation, and to keep it cleansed from all forms of licentiousness. For the Power of the Gospel of Christ works in a man’s heart and soul, transforming him/her from the inside out, making him a new creation that longs to do good works, that better all of society instead of tearing it down.
Not like the religions of this world that seek to convert by lethal force, with the sharp bloody blade of hate, but the Gospel of Christ transforms lives with the love, and power of God. This is a foreign concept to those who are motivated by vial hate, and seek to murder those who will not accept their religion whether it be Islam, Humanism, etc. Those who know not the Savior are motivated by a Satanic power to wipe out Christianity by any means possible. They do not understand the value that Christianity brings into society, they see it as a threat that must be done away with.
America as a nation has fallen into the abyss because so many of our citizens are not good Christians, but rather they are pagans who refuse to turn from their sin and serve the one true Lord and Master, Jesus Christ.
Their minds have been programmed by infidels in places of higher learning, where the truth of God has been shut out, so that evil may have free reign. How can anyone who is a follower of Jesus Christ attend these cathedrals of paganism, these colleges, and universities run by haters of God.
Even Christians have fallen prey to the commercialization, and overwhelming materialism of this modern day culture. Lulled to sleep in the arms of entertainment, and modern conveniences. They live busy, fast paced lives where they barely have time to catch a deep breath. Often God plays a very small role in their lives, where he ought to play a very large role.
God help us all!
Infidels work hard to hard to silence the witness of Christ in our culture, spreading licentious literature everywhere they can, drowning our society in ungodliness of every kind, and doing what they can to stand in the way of the transforming Gospel of Christ. They have invaded the church, liberalizing it, making a mockery out of the message of Christ, and preaching a socialist doctrine that is from the pit of Hell itself!
The infidels, and devils alike fear the Gospel of Christ, for they know it’s power to transform lives, and transform entire nations, and they shake in fear of it as there hatred of Christ and the Gospel grows even stronger.
They use our legal system to persecute God’s people, to create laws that are in direct conflict with the will of our founders. They willfully deny our nations Christian heritage, and seek to replace it with a secularized, false heritage. These people are plainly fooling themselves, as their judgment draws even closer. For God will not be mocked, and every man apart from Christ will reap what he has sown.
The Scripture Declares in 2 Cor. 4:4 “Satan, who is the god of this world, has blinded the minds of those who don't believe. They are unable to see the glorious light of the Good News. They don't understand this message about the glory of Christ, who is the exact likeness of God.”
Many people can’t see the light of God because of their eye’s are blinded by the Devil, and they cannot understand the message of the Gospel because the Devil has plugged their ears as well. If they could just see the truth, and hear the Gospel, their lives would be changed forever, as many other lives have been miraculously changed by the power of God.
I have seen firsthand lives that are radically changed because the light of the Gospel was allowed to shine into them. People who were once slaves to sin, and death, not are alive unto Christ. People who were trapped in drugs, and alcohol usage, now are saved and free from the chains of oppression forever. People who have come out of homosexuality, and other sexual addictions, who are now free, and are passionately in love with Jesus, for their lives have been transformed by God!
Christianity is NOT a useless religion as most religions of this world are. It is a real faith, founded upon the very real person of Jesus the Christ, the true Messiah who came to earth, and died for us all. Christianity is motivated by the unconditional love of God that changes lives by the transforming power of the Gospel.
The Bible declares to us that when the glorious light of the Gospel shines in, the darkness is gone! This is REAL people!
The Bible also declares that once we all were dead in our sins, literal slaves to the devil himself, but once Christ sets a man/woman free, they are no longer enslaved to sin, but become free in Christ.
John 8:36 - “If then the son makes you free, you will be truly free”
When the transforming power of God gets a foothold in a persons life, they are transformed by God from a slave of sin, too a friend of God. Who would not desire to be transformed from darkness to light? Who honestly wants to spend all their earthly days wallowing in the filth and degradation of sin? Wouldn't you rather be set free from the chains of sin that are holding you down? There is freedom is Christ that the world cannot understand because they are lost, and their minds have been blinded by Satan.
There is no apology being given here, not one. I will not apologize for speaking the truth of God’s Word, no matter who it offends, for we are told in Scripture that the Gospel in offensive to those who are perishing, rotting in their sins, and on their way to the lake of fire for all of eternity. Those who act so proud of their sin cannot smell the stench of it, because Satan has plugged their noses so they cannot smell it. He has placed blinders on their eye's so they cannot see the light of the transforming Gospel of Christ shining brightly. He has plugged their ears with wax, so too speak, so they cannot hear the message that would otherwise save their souls.
Too those who insist that there is such a thing as a ‘Gay Christian’, who continue to live in sin, while claiming to follow Jesus, let me say this, you are fooling yourselves, only pretending too follow Jesus, for anyone who is truly converted, and follows Jesus has been transformed in their way of living, and thinking. Their behavior is being modified by God everyday. They are being sanctified, changed into the very likeness of Jesus Christ, as they surrender to him on a daily basis, and allow him the freedom too work within them.
A true follower produces the fruit of the spirit, he/she is filled with unexplainable joy that the world can’t understand. They have a burning desire inside too read the Word of God, and to Worship God with their entire being, and to tell others about the transforming light and power of God! These are some of the marks of a true Christian.
Many church going Christians today lack these things, they do not exuburate the Joy of the Lord as they ought too, they do not study their Bibles as they ought too, and so on. Makes one wonder if our churches are not filled with masses of people who are not transformed by God as they think they are?
It is true, the Light of God, and the Power of the Gospel transforms as no other faith can do. My God changes lives! Gives people a hope, and a future! Transforms sinners into saints! Cleans people up from the inside out! Delivers people from addictions! That is what the Transforming Power of God can do!
Dear Friend, are you searching for God? Are you hungry for real change in your life? Do you desire to experience the transforming power of God in your life? Read on then!
We have all broken God’s laws, His commandments, and all of us at one point were lost without Jesus, and had our backs turned away from him. You see we all are guilty of breaking God’s laws simply for telling even a little while lie, or stealing an ink pen from work. Taking the name of God or Jesus and using it as a cuss word, or bi-word, God calls that blasphemy, and it’s NO joke.
How about having sexual thoughts about another individual, have you ever done that?
That’s called LUST! God say’s that doing such a thing makes each one of us an adulterer at heart. Jesus even likened hating someone the same as murdering them, and that’s no laughing matter. See we have all sinned, broken the laws of God, and deserve to be punished for it.
But God in his mercy and love sent Jesus to die for us all. He took our punishment on the cross so that we don’t have to suffer in Hell for all of eternity. God purchased a pardon for each of us, he wants to set you free today!
The Bible states in Romans 10:13 - “... For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved. ...
You must be sincere, and honest with God in regards to your need for him. God calls you to repent, to agree with him that you have broken his laws, and deserve just punishment for it. Repentance leads us to confession. Simply confess to God that you sincerely believe that Jesus Christ took your place on the cross, that you believe the message of the Gospel that God raised Jesus from the dead on the third day.
In all seriousness, ask God for your pardon. Thank him for sending Jesus to die for you. Thank him for his transforming power, and just begin to praise him in your own words. God will being from that point forward to transform you into the very likeness of Jesus, to make you a holy person that God wants us all too be. The light has shown into your life now, go tell someone you know what you have just done, don’t worry about negative reactions, just tell someone “I just accepted Christ as my Lord and Savior”
John 1:12 “ However, to all who received him, those believing in his name, he gave authority to become God's children,
I won’t lie to you. Life won’t get any easier, in fact it’s gonna get harder because the Devil is gonna hit you with everything he can to discourage you, and sidetrack you in your Christian walk. True followers of Christ have the power of God within them to withstand the darts of Satan, so just pray to God for help, and His Grace. Get into a Bible preaching church where the Gospel in preached without excuse! Tell them you just accepted Christ and you wish to be discipled. If they cannot help you find a church that will, and you will grow in your faith.
Get into a small group, men’s or women’s Bible study group, get connected to other believers who care, and will help you grow in Christ.
May God add his blessing to the preaching of his Awesome Holy Word! AMEN!
Our founding fathers desired that every citizen would be beholden to the Almighty, and that every home should have a Bible and a Newspaper in it too help ensure that every citizen was well schooled in morality, and religion. These two things would strengthen every home, village, town, and the whole nation.
The principles of God as laid forth in the pages of the Holy Scriptures, are the principles that make a nation free and strong. Our founding fathers knew this to be a fact, and took every precaution they could to insure that this was so. As the nation grew, those who has no respect for Biblical morality, or Christianity crept in, and began to work to undermine the foundation laid by our founding fathers.
“Whatever makes men good Christians, makes them good citizens as well” - Noah Webster Nov 22, 1820
The men who founded America knew that if the teachings of the Scripture did not permeate each and every city, and town. That it would not be long before evil literature found it’s way into the hearts and minds of the citizens, and chaos would indeed ensue. These men knew that the Gospel of Jesus Christ had great power to transform this nation, and to keep it cleansed from all forms of licentiousness. For the Power of the Gospel of Christ works in a man’s heart and soul, transforming him/her from the inside out, making him a new creation that longs to do good works, that better all of society instead of tearing it down.
Not like the religions of this world that seek to convert by lethal force, with the sharp bloody blade of hate, but the Gospel of Christ transforms lives with the love, and power of God. This is a foreign concept to those who are motivated by vial hate, and seek to murder those who will not accept their religion whether it be Islam, Humanism, etc. Those who know not the Savior are motivated by a Satanic power to wipe out Christianity by any means possible. They do not understand the value that Christianity brings into society, they see it as a threat that must be done away with.
America as a nation has fallen into the abyss because so many of our citizens are not good Christians, but rather they are pagans who refuse to turn from their sin and serve the one true Lord and Master, Jesus Christ.
Their minds have been programmed by infidels in places of higher learning, where the truth of God has been shut out, so that evil may have free reign. How can anyone who is a follower of Jesus Christ attend these cathedrals of paganism, these colleges, and universities run by haters of God.
Even Christians have fallen prey to the commercialization, and overwhelming materialism of this modern day culture. Lulled to sleep in the arms of entertainment, and modern conveniences. They live busy, fast paced lives where they barely have time to catch a deep breath. Often God plays a very small role in their lives, where he ought to play a very large role.
God help us all!
Infidels work hard to hard to silence the witness of Christ in our culture, spreading licentious literature everywhere they can, drowning our society in ungodliness of every kind, and doing what they can to stand in the way of the transforming Gospel of Christ. They have invaded the church, liberalizing it, making a mockery out of the message of Christ, and preaching a socialist doctrine that is from the pit of Hell itself!
The infidels, and devils alike fear the Gospel of Christ, for they know it’s power to transform lives, and transform entire nations, and they shake in fear of it as there hatred of Christ and the Gospel grows even stronger.
They use our legal system to persecute God’s people, to create laws that are in direct conflict with the will of our founders. They willfully deny our nations Christian heritage, and seek to replace it with a secularized, false heritage. These people are plainly fooling themselves, as their judgment draws even closer. For God will not be mocked, and every man apart from Christ will reap what he has sown.
The Scripture Declares in 2 Cor. 4:4 “Satan, who is the god of this world, has blinded the minds of those who don't believe. They are unable to see the glorious light of the Good News. They don't understand this message about the glory of Christ, who is the exact likeness of God.”
Many people can’t see the light of God because of their eye’s are blinded by the Devil, and they cannot understand the message of the Gospel because the Devil has plugged their ears as well. If they could just see the truth, and hear the Gospel, their lives would be changed forever, as many other lives have been miraculously changed by the power of God.
I have seen firsthand lives that are radically changed because the light of the Gospel was allowed to shine into them. People who were once slaves to sin, and death, not are alive unto Christ. People who were trapped in drugs, and alcohol usage, now are saved and free from the chains of oppression forever. People who have come out of homosexuality, and other sexual addictions, who are now free, and are passionately in love with Jesus, for their lives have been transformed by God!
Christianity is NOT a useless religion as most religions of this world are. It is a real faith, founded upon the very real person of Jesus the Christ, the true Messiah who came to earth, and died for us all. Christianity is motivated by the unconditional love of God that changes lives by the transforming power of the Gospel.
The Bible declares to us that when the glorious light of the Gospel shines in, the darkness is gone! This is REAL people!
The Bible also declares that once we all were dead in our sins, literal slaves to the devil himself, but once Christ sets a man/woman free, they are no longer enslaved to sin, but become free in Christ.
John 8:36 - “If then the son makes you free, you will be truly free”
When the transforming power of God gets a foothold in a persons life, they are transformed by God from a slave of sin, too a friend of God. Who would not desire to be transformed from darkness to light? Who honestly wants to spend all their earthly days wallowing in the filth and degradation of sin? Wouldn't you rather be set free from the chains of sin that are holding you down? There is freedom is Christ that the world cannot understand because they are lost, and their minds have been blinded by Satan.
There is no apology being given here, not one. I will not apologize for speaking the truth of God’s Word, no matter who it offends, for we are told in Scripture that the Gospel in offensive to those who are perishing, rotting in their sins, and on their way to the lake of fire for all of eternity. Those who act so proud of their sin cannot smell the stench of it, because Satan has plugged their noses so they cannot smell it. He has placed blinders on their eye's so they cannot see the light of the transforming Gospel of Christ shining brightly. He has plugged their ears with wax, so too speak, so they cannot hear the message that would otherwise save their souls.
Too those who insist that there is such a thing as a ‘Gay Christian’, who continue to live in sin, while claiming to follow Jesus, let me say this, you are fooling yourselves, only pretending too follow Jesus, for anyone who is truly converted, and follows Jesus has been transformed in their way of living, and thinking. Their behavior is being modified by God everyday. They are being sanctified, changed into the very likeness of Jesus Christ, as they surrender to him on a daily basis, and allow him the freedom too work within them.
A true follower produces the fruit of the spirit, he/she is filled with unexplainable joy that the world can’t understand. They have a burning desire inside too read the Word of God, and to Worship God with their entire being, and to tell others about the transforming light and power of God! These are some of the marks of a true Christian.
Many church going Christians today lack these things, they do not exuburate the Joy of the Lord as they ought too, they do not study their Bibles as they ought too, and so on. Makes one wonder if our churches are not filled with masses of people who are not transformed by God as they think they are?
It is true, the Light of God, and the Power of the Gospel transforms as no other faith can do. My God changes lives! Gives people a hope, and a future! Transforms sinners into saints! Cleans people up from the inside out! Delivers people from addictions! That is what the Transforming Power of God can do!
Dear Friend, are you searching for God? Are you hungry for real change in your life? Do you desire to experience the transforming power of God in your life? Read on then!
We have all broken God’s laws, His commandments, and all of us at one point were lost without Jesus, and had our backs turned away from him. You see we all are guilty of breaking God’s laws simply for telling even a little while lie, or stealing an ink pen from work. Taking the name of God or Jesus and using it as a cuss word, or bi-word, God calls that blasphemy, and it’s NO joke.
How about having sexual thoughts about another individual, have you ever done that?
That’s called LUST! God say’s that doing such a thing makes each one of us an adulterer at heart. Jesus even likened hating someone the same as murdering them, and that’s no laughing matter. See we have all sinned, broken the laws of God, and deserve to be punished for it.
But God in his mercy and love sent Jesus to die for us all. He took our punishment on the cross so that we don’t have to suffer in Hell for all of eternity. God purchased a pardon for each of us, he wants to set you free today!
The Bible states in Romans 10:13 - “... For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved. ...
You must be sincere, and honest with God in regards to your need for him. God calls you to repent, to agree with him that you have broken his laws, and deserve just punishment for it. Repentance leads us to confession. Simply confess to God that you sincerely believe that Jesus Christ took your place on the cross, that you believe the message of the Gospel that God raised Jesus from the dead on the third day.
In all seriousness, ask God for your pardon. Thank him for sending Jesus to die for you. Thank him for his transforming power, and just begin to praise him in your own words. God will being from that point forward to transform you into the very likeness of Jesus, to make you a holy person that God wants us all too be. The light has shown into your life now, go tell someone you know what you have just done, don’t worry about negative reactions, just tell someone “I just accepted Christ as my Lord and Savior”
John 1:12 “ However, to all who received him, those believing in his name, he gave authority to become God's children,
I won’t lie to you. Life won’t get any easier, in fact it’s gonna get harder because the Devil is gonna hit you with everything he can to discourage you, and sidetrack you in your Christian walk. True followers of Christ have the power of God within them to withstand the darts of Satan, so just pray to God for help, and His Grace. Get into a Bible preaching church where the Gospel in preached without excuse! Tell them you just accepted Christ and you wish to be discipled. If they cannot help you find a church that will, and you will grow in your faith.
Get into a small group, men’s or women’s Bible study group, get connected to other believers who care, and will help you grow in Christ.
May God add his blessing to the preaching of his Awesome Holy Word! AMEN!
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